Wednesday 22 February 2017

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “Self Control”

Everything you know is wrong
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Well, that happened.

          You know, it’s kind of amazing that we’re well into S.H.I.E.L.D’s fourth season and yet this show still manages to leave me completely stunned nearly every week. I don’t know how, but the writing team always seems to figure out new and creative ways to pull the rug out from under me constantly, and I love them for that.

          So let’s get right into it. This episode is the grand conclusion of the LMD storyline, and gears up for what’s coming next when the show returns in April. Picking up directly from where last week left off, Fitz and Simmons are surrounded by LMDs that look identical to their best friends, and they need to find a way out of there before they’re captured or killed. But, of course, a wrench is thrown in before long. Fitz and Simmons set off the LMD sensor together, leaving them (and the viewer) guessing who’s real and who’s machine.

          Turns out Fitz has been replaced by an LMD for some time now, leading to an honestly terrifying scene of Simmons having to “kill” him. Also, Daisy is real…sort of? The reveal that Daisy wasn’t an LMD was the one part of the episode that was handled poorly. It opens with her discussing with LMD Coulson and Mace about how to destroy the Inhumans, obviously indicating to us that she isn’t the Daisy we know. Then, she enters a containment pod filled with duplicate Daisy LMDs that exists for some reason. Finally, after LMD Mack discovers the pod, she attacks him with her quake powers, proving she’s the real deal. It’s never really addressed what happened or whether there was an LMD Daisy at all, but it’s a footnote in an otherwise near perfect episode.

          I’ve been saying since the beginning of the LMD storyline that it’s all going to end with a conspiracy inside S.H.I.E.L.D with everyone running around frantically having no idea who’s LMD and who isn’t. This episode delivers on that expectation, leaving Daisy and Simmons the only real people left. Of course, they don’t believe each other when they say they’re human, and their conflict is resolved in a very nice scene between the two. I’ve been very critical of how Daisy’s been treated this season, but honestly this episode was one of her best in a very long time.

          The LMDs are a little upset about LMD Fitz’s tragic demise (but he comes back later, so it’s all good), leading them to kill the power and convince the rest of the agents that Simmons and Daisy are the LMDs. The two of them craft a scheme to get themselves out, including using knockout gas so as to not fight any of the real agents and arming explosives to try and take out an LMD. It doesn’t work, and the base literally catches fire.

          Oh yeah, and while this is all happening, Aida kills Radcliffe because she wants him to live forever in his creation. Despite how much I’ve loved hating him these last few episodes, I can’t say I won’t miss the guy. He was an entertaining villain, albeit one that kind of got sidelined in his last few episodes.

          After an awesomely choreographed fight scene between LMD Mace and Daisy (ever notice she gets all the cool fight scenes?), Daisy and Simmons are able to prove they’re the real deal by literally melting LMD Mack’s skin off, and escape through the back entrance…only to be met by LMD May, who’s sitting on a bunch of explosives. Fortunately, LMD May has a change of heart, choosing to ignore Radcliffe’s orders and allow everyone to escape, destroying the base and the rest of the LMDs behind them.

          Moment of silence for the base. It served us well since Season 2.

          The episode ends with quite possibly the second best twist this show has ever seen (I doubt anything could ever top the Ward is HYDRA twist from Season 1). To figure out where their friends are being held, Daisy and Simmons plug themselves into the framework. What they find in there is…concerning.

          Ward is back, and he’s Daisy’s boyfriend. Coulson is a schoolteacher with a grudge against Inhumans. Mack is living a happy life with his still-alive daughter. Fitz is a celebrity. Simmons is literally dead. And, in the most priceless reveal of all, in this universe HYDRA has replaced S.H.I.E.L.D, even going so far as to paste their logo on the S.H.I.E.L.D base from Winter Soldier.

          It’s honestly quite the reveal, and the fact they’re able to show exactly what’s going on with everybody in this universe and set up the rest of the season in under 2 minutes is astounding. So many questions are posed by that final montage alone: Why is Simmons dead? And if she’s dead, who’s that mystery girl Fitz is with? Why does Coulson hate Inhumans? How is HYDRA the major power all of a sudden? Where’s Captain America when you need him!?

          I’m sure most of these questions will be answered when S.H.I.E.L.D returns in 5 weeks, but taking the episode as is, it’s easily one of the best this show has ever produced. The writing was brilliant, creating an air of tension throughout the entire thing and making you feel like Simmons and Daisy were in mortal peril the entire time. The actors all did a fantastic job, so much so that I legitimately can’t single out one specific person who was especially good. They were all on point this week. And, of course, the setup for the next arc was absolutely mind-blowing. S.H.I.E.L.D always seems to have a new surprise up its sleeves, each one more shocking than the last. If you somehow still haven’t caught up on this fantastic show, now is a great time to get started.



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