Wednesday 4 January 2017

Update Impressions: Overwatch’s Oasis


          Overwatch seems to be currently in a cycle of new hero, new map, new hero, new map and so on. Our first new map since Sombra’s release back in November comes hot on the heels of Winter Wonderland ending, in the form of Oasis.

          Oasis is a control map (same as Nepal, Ilios and Lijang Tower), easily my favourite gamemode in Overwatch. Set in a scientific laboratory in the middle of a Middle Eastern desert, there’s a definite inspiration by Symmetra’s character in the overall design, similar to how you can find Zenyatta’s influence on Nepal or Winston’s on Watchpoint: Gibraltar.

          As with other control maps, there are 3 different areas to take that are cycled randomly every time you play. The first, Gardens, is unique in that the control point is not in the centre of the map, but rather off to the side in a secluded garden. There are several different ways to enter said garden, be it from the main entrance, an above platform or an underground tunnel, giving many options for surprise attacks. The second, City Center, is a more standard central point, with one specific difference: this one has a bounce pad. Yes, there’s an awesome trampoline secluded just off the point itself, giving a great vantage point for long-range characters. I’ve already seen some Bastion and Hanzo players taking advantage of this, and I can expect the other sniper characters will find this useful as well. The final map, University, is mostly indoors, and takes place in a central room with a pit, similar to Ilios’s Well map, but instead of killing you when you fall down, there’s a large health pack at the bottom of the pit here. This is especially useful for Sombra, who can hack the medkit for exclusive use of her team. It’s much easier to hold this point if the medkit cannot be used by your opponents.

          In terms of the design the layout of the map is similar to Nepal, so if you’re a fan of that one you’ll enjoy Oasis. A lot of crazy plays come out of the use of the jump pack and hidden rooms, so it’s integral to play a few games to figure out the layout to really get the most out of your game. Just like when Eichenwalde launched, a new Brawl has launched in the arena that is only set to play on Oasis with Quick Play rules. It’s a much easier way to try out and get to know the map without needing to find it in the Quick Play shuffle. While I haven’t spent enough time playing it yet to truly decide where it lies in terms of quality among the other 3 control maps, Oasis has enough secrets and different ways of playing and capturing points that it could really make people rethink their tried and true strategies.

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