Monday 16 January 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 2 Review

Tree of life
(This review contains spoilers!)

          This week’s episode was less action-oriented than last week’s madcap forest chase, instead sitting back and focusing on the characters as Akko comes to grips with the witching world being different than what she imagined. This week also saw the reintroduction of Diana, Akko’s rival from the shorts and the most intelligent girl in the school.

          At this point, I’m pretty sure it’s been decided that this anime is less a continuation of the original shorts and more of a reimagining of them. For example, Akko is still using the Shiny Rod in this episode, despite her finding it for the first time in Luna Nova’s treasury in the first short. While I still love both the short and the Enchanted Parade movie, I do see that Trigger is doing this to allow the new series to stand on its own without having people need to watch through some required material.

          But anyways, onto the episode. We start on Akko’s first day of class, where much to her dismay witch training is far less flashy and magical than she was hoping. As it turns out, her idol Shiny Chariot is regarded as a hack in the professional witch community for wowing people with cheap tricks. On the other hand you have Diana, a witch prodigy student who looks down on Akko and her friends, who is more than happy to prove them wrong.

          It’s very slow and quiet compared to last week, something we haven’t really seem out of Little Witch Academia before. While it’s not quite as fun as the wild and magical adventures you can see elsewhere, this episode is great for another reason: the characters. I mentioned last week that the characters are the most lovable and memorable part of the show, and that extends to when they aren’t surrounded by action as well. Akko continues to be delightfully determined to prove everyone around her wrong and that she can be a witch. Similarly, Diana is extremely self-confident and not afraid to show it. They’re both wonderfully portrayed by their voice actresses, as are the rest of the cast. I do wish Lotte and Sucy had been given more to do than just crack a few jokes this week, however. While this episode was really focused more on Diana, I think the showrunners could’ve found more for them to do.

          The visuals are as unique and impressive as ever, especially on the characters and their expressions. Each of them look very unique, and their goofy looks whenever something unexpected happen really add to the overall humorous feel of the episode. Plus, the design of the backgrounds are just awesome, with loads of detail put into everything. It really feels like a magical academy in the same vein as Hogwarts.

          My one gripe with the episode is the climax, in that it kind of comes out of nowhere. All of a sudden there’s a tree that Diana needs to save from dying, and Akko shows up to help her. While it’s a fun and satisfying resolution to the episode, I do wish the tree had been set up more over the course of the episode. They mention that the tree was planted in memorial for a witch named Jennifer, so why not go more into that instead of just having it be an off-handed line? That would give us more reason to care besides wanting to see Akko succeed, because this tree would matter to the overall plot more.

          Despite this, Little Witch Academia proved this week that not every episode needs to have wild and crazy adventures and magical battles to succeed. The characters are lovable enough and the animation is just so good that they can even make studying for exams fun and interesting. While I do think the side characters needed to be given more to do, especially since this is only our second episode with them, and the finale did seem a bit rushed, again, this is only the second episode of 25. There’s plenty of time left to set up stuff for later and build more on the characters, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.



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