Monday 23 January 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 3 Review

Wacky Races
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Well, this certainly was an episode and a half. If you doubted at any point that Little Witch Academia wouldn’t live up to previous installments or be able to stand on its own, this is the episode that will prove you wrong. Everything from the worldbuilding to the humour to the visuals was completely on point this week.

          It’s well documented that Akko is unable to fly a broom, but this episode focused on it in a way nothing ever has before. With a broom baton pass race coming up, Akko becomes determined to win and have her picture hung up alongside Shiny Chariot’s in the trophy cabinet of previous winners. The only problem is, of course, she can’t fly a broom to save her life.

          This episode reintroduces several themes from the previous LWA shorts we haven’t seen in this series, such as the Sorcerer’s Stone and the magical radius it produces, as well as the delinquent trio of Amanda, Constance and Jasminka from Enchanted Parade. This episode also shows off some all new bits of the world, including the Shooting Star, the fastest broom in existence. Studio Trigger has always done a great job at making their worlds truly come to life, including the epic over-the-top school of Kill la Kill and the galaxy of planets from Space Patrol Luluco. Despite that I’ve gotta say that this might just be their best work yet. Thanks to the backstory and creativity of this world, alongside the fantastic animation and background work, the world of Little Witch Academia jumps off the screen like nothing before it.

          The best part of the episode is without a doubt the entire finale. The broom race itself takes up a good chunk of the episode, and with good reason. Prior to this, we followed Akko and Lotte to visit a magical item store in town, where Akko discovered the legendary broom known as Shooting Star, a broom that can supposedly fly forever. She wants to use it to fly in the race, but the storekeeper warns her it’s too dangerous. Out of options, she turns to Sucy for help, resulting in a laugh out loud sequence where Akko is truly put through the wringer to try and get her broom off the ground.

          Then comes the race itself, and I’ll be completely honest in saying I was invested in every moment. Despite knowing that story-wise it was very likely Akko wasn’t going to win the race, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and with good reason, because not a second was wasted in making the race seem to move at breakneck pace.

          Sucy used her potions to give her team an advantage, growing spores that tied the opposition’s brooms to the ground and giving Akko a potion that gave her broom the ability to hop like a frog. Their lead didn’t last long however, as Amanda stole the Shooting Star for herself, only for it to escape her grasp and land in the hands of Akko.

          My one gripe with the episode is that things do kind of fly off the rails once Akko gets the Shooting Star. As the broom sort of has a will of its own, it flies her literally around the world before landing her back in the race at Luna Nova. Amanda tries to catch up with her, but is disqualified as Jasminka gave her a donut instead of the ring required to win the race. Then, just before the end, Akko loses control of the broom and Diana is crowned victor. It’s a bit of a crazy end and I am a little disappointed by Amanda kind of getting removed from the story (it would’ve made more sense to have her be the one to make Akko lose control of the broom, to be honest), but honestly it caps off this insane storyline well. As strange as it seems, I’m actually glad Akko didn’t win the race. She’s had 2 major successes so far, and to have her first major setback be broom-related will likely move her character forwards.

          This episode was fantastic on so many levels. I loved that we got even more worldbuilding around this magical school, with the introduction of the town outside Luna Nova and the Shooting Star broom. I loved the humour provided by Sucy, and Akko’s infectious determination is delightful as always. And, of course, the broom race truly showed that we’ve come to love the main trio over the course of just a few episodes and already want them to succeed, even when the odds are against them. This episode set the bar for what this series will be in the future, so I can only wish them good luck in surpassing it.



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