Sunday 8 January 2017

elDLive Episode 1 Review

Spaced out
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Normally when I’m reviewing the first episode of an anime, I start off by detailing my history with similar shows, past productions of the studio, maybe a quick overview of the anime itself, but for this one I’ve got nothing. I sincerely have no idea what to say about elDLIVE. I can say that it’s a 23 minute long piece of animation originating from Japan, but that’s really it.

          Within the first episode, all elDLIVE manages to do is discourage the viewer from continuing from watching the show. It’s not offensively terrible like Drifters or Flip Flappers were, but it certainly isn’t good either. It’s just a flat, boring piece of nothingness.

          The story is the most bog-standard anime sci-fi storyline you can imagine. Our lead is a boy named Chuta, who goes to a high school where apparently the uniform consists of red checkered pants for everybody. It hilariously looks like everyone is walking around in their pajamas. Chuta’s quirk that’s supposed to make him unique is that he has a voice in his head that talks to him. When he responds it looks like he’s talking to himself, and that leads to him becoming estranged from his classmates. The source of the voice is revealed by the end of the episode, but whereas the show thinks it’s an interesting character trait, it becomes more like Chuta’s annoying animal sidekick. It spends most of the episode shouting the obvious, and several times breaks the primary rule of storytelling, that being telling instead of showing.

          After a normal day at anime high school, consisting of staring off into space in his seat in the back corner of the room and getting burned by the female character who’s absolutely going to have an important role later on, Chuta finds himself kidnapped by alien police and drafted into their ranks. Why does this happen? You tell me, because the anime sure doesn’t. I hope it gets explained later on, because Space Patrol Luluco had a better reason for having the lead join the corps.

          In order to join the police, he is sent back to Earth on a mission to capture an alien criminal. He uncovers the alien’s identity, teams up with the voice in his head, and saves the day through a literal Care Bear Stare. Then, the episode just ends with a “plot twist”, one that can be given away by just reading the show’s synopsis on

          So, yeah, this isn’t a very good episode. The characters are all one dimensional and boring, especially Chuta. He doesn’t have any traits whatsoever, aside from “he’s estranged from his classmates” and “he has a mysterious past”. The others get only a few minutes of screentime, and while the designs on some of the aliens are pretty creative, none of them are given any depth or personality that makes you want to see more of them past the first episode.

          But the most alarmingly awful part of this episode is, bizarrely enough, the way everything is formatted. For some reason, elDLIVE is in love with creating wacky transitions between scenes, primarily one that’s just a pair of those ugly checkered pants walking across the screen. It’s like something out of a grade schooler’s Windows Movie Maker project, and it’s not doing the show any favours. Also, everything feels like it can’t stay still for 5 seconds. Even when two characters are standing in one place talking to each other, the camera zooms in and out, the background changes to wacky colours, other characters pop in and out, and so on. It’s so blatant that the show is trying to keep your attention with bright colours and fast movement to cover up the lackluster plot and characters that it almost makes you feel bad for the show.

          elDLIVE is unique in how little it tries to stand out. Everything from the story to the characters to even the animation design feels like it was poorly lifted from somewhere else. At least a show like Flip Flappers had really creative worlds going for it. This is just an anime stripped down to the bare minimum and shoved out the door, hoping it finds an audience somewhere. I can’t say that I was interested in what was going on at any point, and at this point it’s hard to say whether I’ll be back next week or not. Until then, I’d say you should rocket away from elDLIVE as fast as you can.



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