Wednesday 18 January 2017

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “The Patriot”

The Mystery of the Missing Suitcase
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Director Mace went front and center this week, as Senator Nadeer seems to be working from the shadows to destroy him once and for all, even going so far as to employ HYDRA soldiers to shoot down the Quinjet he was traveling in. Through this, Coulson and Mack discovered a dirty little secret he’s been hiding.

          Not much went on back at home base this week that didn’t tie back into the main plotline about Mace. We saw the return of Talbot, who took control of operations with both Mace and Coulson gone missing.
Meanwhile, Radcliffe and Aida spent their time catering to May, who actually woke up! She was put back to sleep almost immediately, yes, but this tells me the real May will be back sooner than later.

          The episode knew where the focus was meant to be, and that was with Mace, Coulson and Mack being stranded in the woods somewhere on a hunt for Mace’s secretive suitcase. What’s in the suitcase, you ask? Well, as it turns out, syringes pumped with formula that gives him his super-strength! Mace isn’t inhuman at all, and was only told to claim he was because Talbot couldn’t find an inhuman worthy of running S.H.I.E.L.D. That picture of him saving the lady in Vienna was nothing more than a picture of him tripping.

          Not only is this a great twist that I didn’t see coming, the aftermath of the twist is equally fantastic! In S.H.I.E.L.D’s past whenever some huge secret about somebody comes out, they usually result in turning evil or against Coulson or something else. Here, it actually allows Mace to turn over a new leaf and be honest about himself: he’s just an ordinary politician who wants equal rights for humans and inhumans. I’ve said many times before that Mace has been one of the best parts of the season, and this added onto that fact. He’s a much more relatable character as a result of this, and the fact he immediately wanted to resign is really telling that he’s a good person. Of course, he didn’t resign and will be sticking around, but I feel that he’s going to be a much more interesting character in the weeks to come as a result of us knowing him better.

          The episode did end with an interesting new development: as we know from last week, LMD May doesn’t know she’s not the real deal. This week, she was hurt badly in a fight to rescue Mack from one of the HYDRA goons, and in the final moments of the episode she discovered the metal beneath her flesh. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that LMD May isn’t lasting much longer, as the original May is already starting to wake up. When that happens and Radcliffe’s plot is finally revealed, the cast is likely going to stop trusting in each other, because anyone could be one of Radcliffe’s LMDs. All season Mace’s mantra has been “A team that trusts is a team that triumphs”, and I can’t wait to see that be put to the test.

          I’ve always said that S.H.I.E.L.D makes every episode feel like a season finale, and The Patriot is no different. While Mace’s dirty little secret was pushed to the backburner in the wake of the Ghost Rider storyline, the show did a great job of never really making you feel like you could trust him fully. Despite that, I do like that once his cover is blown open he’s not a mustache-twirling villain. He’s just a guy trying to do the right thing. I also think it’s good that this was gotten out of the way early on, as to give us more time to focus on the upcoming LMD storyline and give us more sympathy towards Mace’s crumbling ideals when everything inevitably goes wrong. I do wish the other main characters had more to do this week aside from react to Mace’s big secret, but S.H.I.E.L.D continued to do what it does best and make the most of every episode.



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