Sunday 14 August 2016

You Have 10 Seconds Review

(This review contains minor spoilers!)

          Puzzle platformers are a genre that I really wish we’d see more of. I love games like Thomas Was Alone, but that’s the only major one I can think of off the top of my head.

          Today, while browsing YouTube, I came across a few videos for a game called You Have 10 Seconds. It’s a free indie game available now on Steam, where you have 10 seconds to get your little cube man to the end of increasingly difficult levels. And it’s a blast.

          If you’re a fan of difficult platformers, you’ll love You Have 10 Seconds. The game never feels too hard (although it can feel a bit unforgiving at times), the soundtrack is excellent, and the platforming physics are great, albeit a bit looser than I’d like.

          The levels are simplistic and can each be beaten in a matter of, well, 10 seconds, as you hop your cube man over walls and across spike pits to the door at the end. Easy as that.

          Over the course of its 40 levels (not including the final level), You Have 10 Seconds gradually increases the difficulty, throwing in new mechanics like water and magnets at you every time you enter a new world. The magnets are fun, but the water can be a bit hit or miss, as I’ll explain later.

          The soundtrack is a few techno tracks, each of them being very bouncy and fun to listen to. I’m currently looking for a way to listen to the songs online, because right now, the only way to hear it is to play the game. Still, it’s free, so that’s always nice.

          I do have a few gripes with the game, though. It can honestly be a little too unforgiving at times. The collision detection on the spike traps is extremely sensitive, meaning that even if you slightly brush the tip of the side of the spikes, you die. Similarly, sometimes the game starts you directly next to a spike trap, giving you zero time to react before you bump into them and die. The water in the game also seems to change physics at reckless abandon, and in my entire playthrough, I couldn’t figure out a surefire way to navigate it without using trial-and-error.

          These are just minor problems that don’t pop up often, however. You Have 10 Seconds is a fantastic puzzle platformer, and the fact that it’s free only adds to how great it is. It’s absolutely worth checking out, and if you enjoy it, a sequel is currently trying to get through Steam Greenlight, so if you want to see that happen, go support the devs!



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