Wednesday 24 August 2016

Amaama to Inazuma Episode 8 Review

Squid Girl
(This review contains spoilers!)

          This episode was the primary example of an episode that just gets better as it goes on. While it had a very weak start, once we got to just before the halfway mark, it took off and resulted in a very simple and sweet episode.

          We start off this week by exposing Tsumugi’s father to the horrors of kindergarten, as Tsumugi makes squids out of boxes, and kids loudly exclaim that they need to go to the bathroom. The scene far overstays it’s welcome, as we pretty much cover all the exposition we need about halfway through, with the rest being more or less fluff.

          The main focal point this week is Tsumugi’s mother, which is always welcome for me. She adds a very Rose Quartz-ish presence to the show, and whenever they decide to bring her up, a whole other dimension is added. Tsumugi’s dad notices that there’s a large stain on Tsumugi’s schoolbag, and asks if she’d like him to make her a new one. Tsumugi refuses, because her mother made it.

          This plays in to the cooking segment, as this week Tsumugi requests a squid stew that her mother used to make. The cooking segment isn’t anything super memorable this week, aside from a very funny scene where Tsumugi puts her hand inside of the squid. It’s nice to watch, and there’s even a few fun squid facts and even an imagination sequence reminiscent of last week thrown in. The episode ends on a very cute note as well.

          There’s not much else to say about it; this week’s was just a very sweet and enjoyable episode, albeit with a very slow start. I’m glad that Amaama to Inazuma is slowly but surely finding it’s footing, although there’s still a slight problem that it’s using the over exaggerated expressions a bit too much. It’s not an over the top slice of life like Nichijou, nor is it a mix of realistic and silly like Non Non Biyori is. The first few episodes make it clear that this is an anime very grounded in reality, and the wacky expressions kind of take me out of that theming.

          That’s just a minor gripe, though. This week was another success for the show, and I can’t wait for next week.



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