Monday 8 August 2016

Steven Universe: Summer Adventures August 8-12 Reviews

Week 4
(These reviews contain spoilers!)

          The final week of the Summer of Steven is upon us! If you missed my review of Beta, I watched the Canadian airing last Friday, so it’s in my Week 3 post.

          Wow. That’s all I have to say to describe this episode. Wow.

          I’m going to say this right here and right now, just so everyone can hear it: This was my favourite episode of Steven Universe to date. Not necessarily the best (Jail Break is still probably the best thing they’ve ever done), but as a personal opinion, this is my new favourite.

          Sometimes it feels like the 11-minute time limit is surprisingly too much for the smaller stories the crew has for us (Drop Beat Dad and The New Lars were good examples of this), but more often than not I’m on my hands and knees wishing that these episodes were longer, especially when the episode was packed with lore. Considering this is a three-parter with Beta and tomorrow’s episode, I suppose this could be referred to as a 45 minute special, but I digress.

          Earthlings threw everything it could at us, providing what I assume to be the end of the current Amethyst arc (but who knows?), the end of Jasper’s little adventure, a new fusion, some great humour courtesy of Peridot, and a LOT of lore.

          We pick up exactly where we left off last time, with Amethyst challenging Jasper to a rematch. Once again, she’s barely able to land a scratch on the perfect Quartz soldier, and gets wrecked. Steven, against Amethyst’s wishes, jumps into the fight, and after he reinvigorates her by telling her that she’s great the way she is, the two of them fuse into a brand new character: Smoky Quartz.

          She’s my favourite new fusion since Malachite, easily. Her design is great, her voice is fantastic, her weapon is genius (whoever decided to give her a yo-yo should get an award), and she’s all-around a great new inclusion into the vast library of fusions we have.

          After Jasper gets destroyed by a fusion again (that’s 4 times now, right?), she attempts to fight back by fusing with one of the corrupted gems, but this doesn’t go well for obvious reasons. What happens after is what really matters. Jasper begins to corrupt. Despite Steven and Peridot practically begging to allow them to help her, Jasper refuses, and is corrupted and bubbled, but not before dropping a significant lore bomb: Rose Quartz betrayed her diamond, Pink Diamond. The fandom’s been buzzing about the identity of Pink Diamond ever since the diamond sigil first appeared in the show, and this is really going to add fuel to the fire now that it’s confirmed Pink Diamond isn’t Rose herself.

          Even after all this, the Gems returned to the Barn to find a surprise: the Ruby Squad is back! I’m surprised they made it to Neptune and came back this quickly, but I guess their space travel is pretty fast. In any case, I’m happy to see them again, and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen tomorrow.

          I loved every second of Earthlings. I was laughing, gasping, and on the edge of my seat the whole time. This was Steven Universe at its absolute best, and it was absolutely waiting those extra two days for.


Back to the Moon
          The arc that began with Gem Hunt is showing no signs of slowing down, as we had yet another cliffhanger to deal with tonight!

The Ruby Squad was back in action after their short adventure around the galaxy, demanding to know where Jasper really is. Without any other options, Amethyst shapeshifted into Jasper to convince them, and the Rubies demanded they return to the Moon Base to file a form so “Jasper” can keep her “prisoners” on Earth instead of returning to Homeworld with them.

It was cool to see the Moon Base again, especially as we got the long-awaited reveal of the Pink Diamond mural which was infamously ignored back in It Could’ve Been Great. Unfortunately, we didn’t get an answer as to what was in that room Garnet hurried Steven past last time we were here, but there’s always tomorrow.

As for Pink Diamond, we learned what nearly everyone expected given yesterday’s lore bomb: Rose Quartz shattered her during the Gem War. Steven naturally is in disbelief over this, and then…just kind of gets over it. Huh. I’m hoping that this subject comes up in more detail later on, because it kind of came out of nowhere and then vanished.

          The rest of the episode, aside from the lore, wasn’t really anything super special unfortunately. We spend way too much precious time outside of the barn trying to convince the Rubies that Amethyst was Jasper. I did like that the Eyeball Ruby got some character development in the reveal that she participated in the Gem War as a soldier, and the group is always fun to spend time with. Pearl was especially funny in this episode to, with her over-the-top reaction to being “captured”.

          There’s not really much else to say about this one, except about the ending. We know from episodes like Space Race and Warp Tour that Steven can survive in space longer than a normal human can, but even then his human side requires breathing before long. Considering tomorrow’s episode is called “Bubbled”, I think I have a good idea of how he’s going to save himself, but you never know.

          So anyways, a good episode, just without many good laughs and poor pacing. I liked that we got an answer to the Pink Diamond question so fast, but Steven kind of forgot about it two minutes later. Hopefully tomorrow will improve on it.



          So I guess this is Steven Universe’s take on the movie Gravity.

          What a crazy episode this was. If you told me 5 years ago that I’d be watching a cartoon where a boy was launched into space, accepted his fate, and then curled up into fetal position after fighting an alien to the death, I would’ve said you were crazy.

          But, here we are. Picking up immediately after yesterday, the Season 3 finale featured some of the best background art I’ve ever seen in this show, and that’s saying something. All the stars, planets, and galaxies in the background were so amazingly rendered, it really felt like outer space.

          It was really smart for the Crew to bring back Eyeball Ruby for this episode, because as interesting as it would’ve been to see Steven’s internal struggle about what his mother did to Pink Diamond, it wouldn’t have made for great kid’s TV. Instead, this episode had a lot of really good humour, like Steven imitating the famous portrait of Rose Quartz, and his all too relatable grouchiness about changing phone plans.

          Eyeball Ruby was really fun, and it was amazing how threatening they made this little red gem. Her little knife looked downright intimidating in the tight space, and although it was a kind of obvious solution how to get rid of her, it didn’t make it any less tense. I feel that now’s a good time to say goodbye to the Ruby Squad. In my opinion, they served their purpose, and having them back again and again would get a little repetitive.

          But two things stood out to me above all else. One is that the Gems are now in capacity of a ship with space travel, so that opens up a literal universe of possibilities for new settings. The other is that we finally got the full version of the credits song, Love Like You. It’s a song we’ve been hearing since Episode 1, and it’s nice to finally be able to listen to the proper version in full, although it really feels like the end of an era. One can only hope we get a new song for the next season or two.

          Overall, Bubbled was a great way to end Season 3, and the future looking towards Seasons 4 and 5 looks bright. Here’s to more Steven Universe!


The Kindergarten Kid
          And now for something entirely different.

          At first glance, the word Kindergarten in Steven Universe context means a dark episode exploring the creation of gems and usually focuses on Amethyst. I remember when the title for this episode was announced nearly a year ago everyone assumed it would be a part of the now finished Amethyst arc (which was predicted through the titles of other episodes). Instead, we got a Road Runner vs. Coyote style episode starring Peridot as she tries in vain to capture a corrupted gem.

          Surprisingly, it turned out to be really funny, even if it wasn’t one of Steven Universe’s better episodes. Peridot is my favourite character, and we got a little more information about her abilities here. She’s surprisingly resilient, managing to go through all kinds of trauma without being poofed. We also learned she’s able to bubble gems, although she mistakenly didn’t send the bubble to the heart of the Temple.

          The physical humour was really on point with this one, with all the cartoon physics really feeling straight out of a Looney Tunes cartoon. The animators used the desert backgrounds and the hills of the Beta Kindergarten to their advantage to make a real playground for Steven, Peridot and the corrupted gem to run around.

          That’s really all there is to say about this one. It was a simple, funny episode. A bit of a weird way to start Season 4, since in the past we’ve had premieres like Full Disclosure and Super Watermelon Island. I don’t know if I’ll ever watch The Kindergarten Kid again, but I enjoyed it for what it was.


Know your Fusion
          Much like the fusion gems themselves, this episode was…bizarre, to say the least.

          I like it when the show decides to nonchalantly include the fusions. They’re usually only saved for big, groundbreaking events, but when one pops up when you’re not expecting it, it’s a bit of a treat. Think back to when Pearl and Amethyst formed Opal back in Log Date. Although it wasn’t a speaking part, it was nice of the crew to acknowledge they haven’t forgotten about her.

          This episode, surprisingly, gave Smoky Quartz and Sardonyx starring roles, as Steven and Amethyst introduced their new fusion to Garnet and Pearl. The two are understandably ecstatic, and form Sardonyx so that the two can…go on a talk show.

          Yeah, that’s not what I was hoping for, but okay.

          Honestly, it would’ve been really cool to be out in the field with Smoky Quartz as Sardonyx tries to have her unlock her full potential, but here it was just nothing being accomplished for 10 minutes straight. Sardonyx asks Smoky what her power is. Smoky doesn’t know. Sardonyx asks again. Smoky doesn’t know. Rinse and repeat until credits.

          The pacing in this episode is all off. Remember, the primary rule of storytelling is show, don’t tell. How fun is it to listen to two characters talking about what one of them can do? It’s not fun at all. I wanted to see Smoky Quartz really trying to figure out who she is, instead of watching her participate in stupid games that you know she’s going to fail at.

          This one episode’s saving grace is that there’s some humour in it I really didn’t expect from Steven Universe. Sardonyx breaks the fourth wall several times, acknowledging the fact she’s in a cartoon, having the clips she used carried with the watermark “Provided by Cartoon Network”, and even a quick jab at the fact that Sugilite is probably never going to have a speaking role again. It was really unexpected and funny because of that.

          Immediately after watching Know your Fusion, I thought to myself “If I were to show Steven Universe to someone new, would I show them this one?” My answer would probably be no. Very little was accomplished at all, aside from a 30 second reveal that Smoky Quartz can use her yo-yo as a grappling hook, which you honestly could figure out just from watching Earthlings. Aside from some of the good jokes, the always delightful fusions, and the ending, this episode is one you can definitely skip in my opinion.



          Well, that’s a disappointing end to Steven’s Summer Adventures. I’m glad that weekly episodes are coming back, because that would be a bit of a lackluster way to go on a hiatus. See you next Thursday for the next episode!

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