Thursday 18 August 2016

Steven Universe Review: Buddy’s Book

So when do I get my Buddy’s journal replica?
(This review contains spoilers!)

          It’s always nice to have mailman Jamie come in for an episode, although I definitely feel that he’s only good in small doses. His overdramatic tendencies tend to get a little annoying even after 11 minutes.

          So, on to the episode. What a fun surprise this was! Not only did we get some flashbacks into what the Gems were like shortly after the discovery of Beach City, but we also got a few new tidbits adding to the lore of the show. Granted, they weren’t huge news, but any pieces added is one step closer to completing the puzzle in the grand scheme of things.

          The majority of the episode takes place in Steven’s imagination as he reads the journal of Buddy, partner of the original Mayor Dewey. Speaking of which, whatever happened to Mayor Dewey? He all but vanished after Season 1.

          Anyways, Buddy wants to discover something for himself, so he crosses the globe to all the major gem locations, including the Strawberry Battlefield, the Sea Spire, and the Kindergarten, running into the four main Crystal Gems along the way. They help point him in the right direction, and all in all, it’s just a really fun episode.

          So, two major things got shown. First off, we were introduced to a pride of Lions owned by Rose. They were all normal coloured lions, however, so it’s still hard to pinpoint exactly where Steven’s Lion came from. The fact that Steven and Connie used him briefly in the opening is a clear tell that the crew wants to remind the viewers that the character is still around, and wanted you to remember him once Rose’s lions popped up later on.

          The second thing, and something that most viewers might’ve missed, was that the ruins of what looked like Blue Diamond’s carriage from The Answer was illustrated in Buddy’s journal. Steven quickly glossed over the page with a quick “I don’t know what that is”, but given the nature of this show and how it seldom forgets anything, that’s bound to pop up sometime in the future.

          There’s not much else to say about Buddy’s Book. It’s a fun episode with some great character moments and even some lore droplets. I’d fully recommend giving it a watch, even if you’re not a fan of the smaller Beach City episodes.



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