Wednesday 3 August 2016

Amaama to Inazuma Episode 5 Review

Do or donut
(This review contains spoilers!)

          This week’s episode of Amaama to Inazuma started out with the implication that Tsumugi was getting kidnapped by a creepy guy.

          So, uh, that was different.

          Of course, this turned out not to be the case, as it turned out to be a friend of Tsumugi’s father who was taking care of her for the day. It was nice to see him have a relationship outside of with Tsumugi or Iida. This new character, Yagi, doesn’t seem to have too much of a personality right now aside from being chilled out and nonchalant about everything, a trait I’m honestly really sick of. I do like that he genuinely cared about Tsumugi, instead of having him be like “I’m only doing this for your father” type of deal.

          He did mention that when Tsumugi grows up, she’ll look just like her mother. It’s been odd how the mother hasn’t been mentioned that much in the series thus far. We had the explanation in episode 1, and unless I’m wrong, she hasn’t been mentioned since. I guess this is understandable, since it could be a bit of a downer on the normally happy-go-lucky feel of the show, and they might be saving it for towards the end.

          The cooking is the same process as usual, nothing special there. As we approach the halfway mark on this series, I have a definite fear that it could start to get stale before long. Maybe if they accidentally screwed up the meal, that’d make things more interesting? And in turn, next episode Tsumugi could be a little less trusting of her father’s cooking, and they’d need to remedy that. They sort of went that route with this episode, with the donuts initially coming out burnt, but as they were able to recover from it by baking a second batch, it didn’t really matter in the long run. If the results had been more permanent, that might’ve had more of a lasting impact.

          So while this was another fine episode of Amaama to Inazuma, and the introduction of Yagi wasn’t too bad, there’s a definite concern of the show grinding to a halt in the near future, as the episodes blend more and more together in terms of content. Hopefully next week they’ll shake things up again like they did last time this happened.



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