Sunday 1 October 2017

Everybody’s Golf Review

Going clubbing
(This review is spoiler-free!)

          While I can’t say I enjoy real-life sports by any means, I’m not one to turn down a more arcade-style sports game. When I was a kid I dabbled in Mario Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Strikers, Hoops 3-on-3, and basically any others that had the red plumber’s name on them. Nowadays those games are basically extinct aside from being in minigame collections on the 3DS or the increasingly tired Mario and Sonic at the Olympics series, but they hold a special place in my heart.

          Enter Everybody’s Golf. While it definitely takes a more realistic approach to golf than Mario did back in the day (no fireball shots here, I’m afraid), it’s just as much fun as the old classics and brought me back to when I was a kid playing Toadstool Tour. Despite this, it has a few UI problems that make the game a little trickier to play than it needs to be, especially as someone who can barely play mini-putt without sending my ball into a river.

          Easily the most fun I had with the game came before it even truly began. Everybody’s Golf boasts an extensive and varied character creation system, where you can create the golfer of your wildest dreams to play as. Using this, I set out to create a golfer so incredible that he’d put Tiger Woods to shame. Here he is in all his glory:

          I think he’s a cucumber, but I’m not 100% sure.

          Equipped with the greatest specimen the sport has ever seen, I set out to conquer the course and become the greatest golfer known to man. The only problem is that I'm terrible at golf.

          Overall the mechanics in the game are pretty solid. If you’ve played Mario Golf you know what to expect here: you’ve got a sliding meter used to power your shot. If you hit it in just the right area, you’ll shoot the ball perfectly. If not, you’ll need to go again. Keep swinging until you cross the fairway to the green, and then try to get the ball in the hole. Simple and easy.

          The hole design is well done, being neither too hard nor too simple. I would’ve liked a few more creative holes, such as some of the small ones that you can get a hole-in-one on. There aren’t any egregiously bad examples, but I would’ve liked a bit more twists.

          Things start to get a little messy when putting is brought in, though. Maybe it’s just my golfing ability, but I found it really hard to see precisely where I was aiming the ball. Oftentimes I would think I had a straight shot to the hole, only for the ball to veer way off to the side. You can adjust the camera up and down a bit, but that doesn’t give you any better idea where the ball’s gonna go. I think a reticle showing the precise direction you’re aiming would’ve helped a lot more, because I would often wind up with a double bogey while putting after a near-perfect run on the fairway.

          If you’re a fan of golfing, Everybody’s Golf is the best modern virtual take on the sport I’ve seen since Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour on the GameCube. The character creation is hilarious and a ton of fun, the overall charming and positive atmosphere is delightful, and the golfing is well balanced and stellar. I would’ve liked to see a better UI system for shooting the ball though, as especially when putting I had a tough time seeing precisely where I was going. Despite this, I think this is a game I can definitely recommend giving a look.



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