Thursday 21 April 2016

We Bare Bears Review: “Rooms”

The Toilet of the Future
(This review contains spoilers!)

We Bare Bears episodes tend to fall under two different categories. There are the episodes focusing on the bears and them focusing on one specific problem, and there are the episodes focusing on their interactions with side characters. I’ve always found the former to be funnier, and this episode is thankfully one of those.

The plot is simple. Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear decide to switch rooms after Ice Bear’s fridge tragically breaks down. Panda goes to Grizz’s room, Ice Bear goes to Panda’s, and Grizz draws the short straw, ending up in the fridge.

          As they stay in the rooms, each of them finds a dirty secret the others have been hiding. Ice Bear finds out that his brothers had a day out without him, Panda discovers Grizz made fun of him in an embarrassingly bad homemade action movie, and Grizz discovers a secret bathroom beneath Ice Bear’s fridge, complete with a Japanese toilet.

        Naturally, these discoveries lead to a lot of laughs. What’s less funny is what comes after. It goes as predictably as you can imagine: the bears confront each other, they start yelling, but then through some ridiculous mayhem (which I couldn’t possibly do justice, you have to see this one to believe it) they reconcile at the end of the episode.

          Fortunately, this doesn’t go on for too long, and the episode wraps up satisfyingly with the bears admitting that they each need their personal space and go back to their own respective rooms.

          It’s a shame that the show felt it had to go this cliché route, because if anything, We Bare Bears has shown time and time again that these brothers would go through thick and thin for each other. I feel like a lot more could be accomplished if they had just kept exploring and finding more secrets that the brothers were hiding.

          Still, it’s one of the better episodes in recent memory, lacking any kind of side character distraction. If you want to relax and have a laugh, this is one of the best episodes to turn to.



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