Friday 22 April 2016

Space Patrol Luluco Episode 4 Review

It gets weirder
(This review contains mild spoilers!)

          So we’ve moved on to the second season of Luluco I guess? It’s probably more like the second story arc than anything, but whatever.
          We rejoin our heroes on a mission to destroy an asteroid before it crashes into the Earth. That’s really all there is to say. This episode feels more like 7 minutes of setup than anything.

          As always, the characters are the highlight, and we finally get a bit more development on Nova’s part. It’s clear that the writers are having a lot of fun pairing him with Luluco, especially when he sends her a message towards the end of the episode. It’s delightfully cheesy, and made me smile.

          On that note, I’m not really sure what they’re trying to accomplish with Midori yet. She seems sort of like the lazy one, but I don’t quite get that vibe from her. To me she sort of seems like the Peridot of the group, a sort of technologically savvy character with her own agenda.

          The episode ends with a reveal completely out of left field (as per the usual with this show) that I can’t wait to see them explore. Hopefully it won’t be discarded and this is something they’ll focus on more, but with Luluco, you really can’t tell.

          Something I didn’t mention in my other review was the opening and ending themes. While I find the opening to be obnoxious, but with nice visuals, the ending is absolutely delightful. It pieces together a wonderful mix of live-action pictures and photos of the characters, as well as a lovely little song that goes along the background. It really feels like the show is giving you a break after all the craziness that just happened, and I never miss it.

          So, all in all, this was a good episode, but it felt more like setup for the next story arc than anything. I’m excited to see where they go with it, but I wish the introduction had been handled a little better.



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