Wednesday 27 April 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: "The Singularity"

The Shield of S.H.I.E.L.D
(This review contains spoilers!)

          The original 6 cast members took the spotlight on this week’s Shield, going on missions that, to be perfectly honest, weren’t that interesting.

          If that clever teaser poster is any indication, this is Part 2 of a crazy 4 part finale the showrunners have planned. If that’s the case, then this is absolutely the setup episode while the other 2 will do all the heavy lifting.

          First things first, Fitz and Simmons. Now that the two of them are a couple, there was lots of discussion tonight on where their relationship would go. That’s all fine and dandy, especially with characters we’ve been waiting on to pair up since Season 1, but it reminded me a lot of why I disliked Bobbi and Hunter so much. They talked so much about their relationship troubles that the overall mission got lost in all the chit-chat.

          The episode ended on a strange note, with Fitz and Simmons getting together and presumably going to have sex. Yay? I mean, it’s good that they’re furthering the relationship, but that’s the big end for this week? It didn’t help that it was really uncomfortable to look at.

          Over on the B-plot side of things, Coulson and May were chasing after Hive and Daisy, generally being the much more interesting storyline that gave way to a lot of excellent moments. We had that excellent fight scene with Lincoln and that girl who can duplicate herself, Coulson finally admitting he sees Daisy as the daughter he never had, and of course who could forget the Director of Shield’s shield?

          It all wrapped up with the huge revelation that Talbot’s been working behind the scenes locating all the secret Hydra bases, and it seems Hydra’s been defeated once and for all. As great as it was to finally have this huge enemy be taken down so swiftly, I can’t help but remember the words of Arnim Zola: Cut off one head, two more will take its place. So while Hydra may take a bit of a break, I wouldn’t rule out their return.

          So all in all, a decent episode for Shield, albeit a tad bit too much setup and not enough actually getting stuff done in my opinion. Here’s to next week!



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