Friday 29 April 2016

Space Patrol Luluco Episode 5 Review

Not Justice!
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Things have gotten even weirder in Luluco’s world, as we’ve been introduced to our first major villain. Luluco’s space pirate mother has been introduced, and it seems like she has some nefarious plan to subdue our heroes.

          A plan that involves kidnapping Luluco’s still-frozen father, picking up the entire town, and selling it on an online auction. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

          Anyways, our first battle of the Space Patrol vs. the Space Pirates was very flashy and fun, as to be expected of this show, but I felt like it was lacking just a bit. For one thing, Luluco’s mother seems extremely overpowered, to the point when even the Chief, in his Gun Morphing form, couldn’t even lay a scratch on her. I guess they were trying to show just how skilled she is, but it came across more as just plain silliness at some points.

          Speaking of the Chief, he was probably my favourite part of this episode, and one of my favourite things in the show altogether. He always makes me crack a smile, whether he’s trying and failing to call another division of the Space Patrol or arresting and freeing Luluco repeatedly. The scene when we saw his Gun Morphing for the first time was really well done, and he really felt like the intimidating head of Space Patrol he was built up to be, even though he was taken out just seconds later.

          The other characters were excellent as always, and I’m finally starting to warm up to Nova and Midori more. The voice actress playing Luluco did an especially outstanding job with this episode, perfectly capturing how she was feeling. I don’t feel I address enough how Luluco is still the heart and soul of the show, and she is absolutely the best part. She feels less like the typical hero thrust into an uncomfortable situation character, and more like the underdog you love to root for.

          The one character I’m not enjoying, however, is Luluco’s mother. She feels completely out of place in this show, feeling more like one of the first villains fought in a typical shonen anime. Her outfit is hideous, and she really doesn’t have much clear motivation besides “she does what she wants”.

          Then again, maybe I’m looking into it too much. Where it really counts, this anime absolutely excels, and it’s still one of the funniest I’ve seen in recent memory.



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