Wednesday 20 April 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “The Team”

Shaking Things Up
(This review contains spoilers!)

One could argue that this whole season’s been leading up to this very episode. With the introduction of the Secret Warriors being such a huge plot point, it was inevitable we were going to get a big introduction for them.

The show opens with Daisy, Lincoln, Joey, and Yo-Yo (I can’t remember her real name for the life of me) storming the Hydra base, rescuing Coulson and the crew and even capturing Malick in the first few minutes! It never fails to amaze me how much this show always gets done in such little time.

Speaking of Malick, it felt fitting that his story ended here. We’ve known since last week he was going to be killed off, and when he lost his daughter I figured it was going to only be a matter of time. Still, he went out really well, and the show pulled the rug out from under us yet again with the reveal that while he was technically killed by Hive as predicted, it wasn’t done in person.

And now to address the elephant in the room: Evil Daisy. I can honestly say I didn’t see it coming, and I’m really excited to see how this plays out. The final few shots of her quaking up the base and trapping Coulson and the other inside were extremely well done, thanks to the visual effects and the fantastic performance of Chloe Bennett.

It’s funny to think how packed to the brim this episode was, especially compared to the lackluster “game-changing” episode from two weeks ago. In just 45 minutes, we got the Secret Warriors finally teaming up, then disbanding, as well as killing Malick, Fitz and Simmons getting together (at long long last!), Mack and Yo-yo’s relationship changing, and Lincoln being framed for being Hive’s spy. Since its kind of obvious now who the real spy is now though, I can imagine he’ll be back in action before too long.

I doubt this will be the last we’ve seen of the Secret Warriors, despite their apparent disbanding, but still, I was a little disappointed that all we got were less than 15 minutes of them working as a team on a mission. It would’ve been much more interesting to see them work together before this, and demonstrate how well they partner up, raising the stakes for when it all came crashing down in this episode.

But still, I’m happy with what we got. I’m still not sure if Shield will be able to top the epic two-parter Winter Finale we got this season, but if this episode is any indication, they sure will try.



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