Tuesday 2 January 2018

CanadianYeti Reviews Winter Update 2018


          The New Year has finally arrived, and it’s freezing cold outside! So I thought now would be the perfect time to introduce some of the new stuff I’m planning on doing, as well as series will and won’t be returning. Here we go!

What’s staying the same?

Monday editorials will be continuing as normal. I’m pretty excited about next week, as I’ll be talking about remasters and whether certain games deserve them or not.

Game reviews will also be normal. I’m hoping there’ll be lots of releases in Q1 this year so we can get started on 2018’s games quickly, but for now my final game review for 2017 will be out sometime this week, and it’s going to be on Okami HD.

Movie reviews are still going to be around, but as always I don’t know how many I’m going to do. I don’t go out to see too many movies unless they’re ones I’m particularly excited about. However, I can guarantee a review for Black Panther sometime during opening weekend (ideally on the Friday morning).

TV reviews:

Timeless and The Orville reviews will be remaining on hiatus until their shows return.

Star Wars Rebels reviews will also remain on hiatus, but if memory serves me right I think the show will be coming back soonish, so hopefully it won’t be long.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D reviews will continue as usual.

Chill Chat is also staying, and I’d like to take more advantage of this series in the New Year. I’ve only really used it a few times before now to talk about Survivor and Rick and Morty, and I’d really like to use it for more potential than just talking about shows that I don’t review.

          That being said, right now I can guarantee you two things: a full discussion of Stranger Things once I’ve finished making my way through the show (I’m almost done!), and three separate articles on Survivor: Ghost Island.

Star Wars Wednesday has officially been around for a year! It’s not stopping anytime soon, but I’d like to see this as a sort of Season 2 for the series. This year I have a lot of great stuff planned, including sequels to some of my favourite articles from last year, a visit to some of the weirder things that have come out of the franchise, and a huge month planned for later on in the year based on one of the most beloved things in all of Star Wars that I’ve barely even touched so far. So strap on your X-Wing pilot helmet and prepare yourself for Star Wars Wednesday Season 2: Wednesday Strikes Back! First episode comes out tomorrow, as we return to the world of Rogue One to talk about an awesome book from last year that flew pretty under the radar.

What’s changing?

Steven Universe reviews have been cancelled as I talked about previously in its own article due to me losing interest in the subject matter. The fact that I haven’t touched the few episodes that released recently should speak for itself, but I just can’t bring myself to get excited for a show that barely releases episodes, and when it does they’re usually boring and tedious to get through. Maybe someday I’ll return to the series in a Chill Chat, but for now I’m taking a break.

Anime reviews: This wasn’t an easy decision. I thought long and hard about the future of anime reviews after I couldn’t continue talking about Girls’ Last Tour these last few months because of how boring and repetitive reviewing the show had become. The anime itself was great, but it didn’t really lend itself to discussion.

          While reviewing anime was one of my favourite things to do back when I started this blog, since then it’s easily become my absolute least favourite part of it. They rarely get any views as they’re the one series I don’t tweet out, and they started to feel more like filler content to me because nobody read them. Anime also stopped being fun to watch and started feeling more like a job I had to do to write the article.

          So, because of all these reasons, I’m ending anime reviews on the blog.

          Again, if there’s a show I really want to talk about I have Chill Chat for that. I’m also not afraid to return to reviewing anime every once in a while if there’s a show I particularly would like to talk about every week. But for now I just need a break, as I stopped finding it fun in the same way I still love reviewing TV.

What’s new?

Behind the Screens: 12 things you never knew about…: This is a series I’ve been thinking about for a while now, and I’m really excited to finally release it.

          Behind the Screens is a pretty simple concept: I take a movie, game, TV show, anime, or whatever else and talk about 12 cool behind the scenes facts about the movie, whether they’re a crazy story from the set, a funny mistake, or just something that I find interesting. Right now I’m aiming at having these be a monthly series released on a Wednesday that doesn’t have a Star Wars article (probably the third week of the month), and the first one will release January 24 and it’ll be about Lord of the Rings.

          As always, thank you for reading my blog. I’d really like 2018 to be the best year possible for it, and I’d also like to try and take some of these series to a major website sometime this year. I love writing stuff for you guys, and I’m just glad you enjoy reading them.

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