Saturday 6 January 2018

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “Fun and Games”

Here comes the bride
(This review contains spoilers!)

          After the fun Earth-bound trip from two weeks ago, this week S.H.I.E.L.D returned to the Kree space station with Fitz along for the ride. I get the feeling we’re nearing the end of this arc and will be moving onto something new before too long if the showrunners decided to continue with the pod-style format that worked wonders for them in Season 4.

          This episode was directed by Clark Gregg, who plays Coulson on the show and in several Phase 1 MCU movies. If memory serves me right this is the first time a cast member has directed an episode of S.H.I.E.L.D, and he did a great job of it. This was one of the most exciting and action packed episodes of the show ever, with new twists, turns and surprises around every corner.

          Fitz is now posing as a wealthy mercenary planning on buying Daisy from Kasius, also rescuing Simmons as part of the package deal. Things quickly go haywire though, as it turns out May has also been entered in the big Inhuman deathbowl, and Kasius’s hipster brother is on his way with eyes on the Destroyer of Worlds for himself.

          Meanwhile, Team Coulson have rescued a teen who just earned his Inhuman powers from competing in the games, but are being held captive by their boss who plans to give them all over to Kasius. All in all, not the best day for the gang.

          If there’s one thing this episode does great, it’s the fight choreography. I’ve always said that S.H.I.E.L.D has some of the best fights on TV, and this episode was no different. Even better was that the camera actually stayed steady during the action this time, instead of how the show sometimes makes the camera zoom all over the place during the action and you end up seeing nothing. The showdown between Daisy and Sinara was one of the best parts of the season thus far, and it’s all because we got to see it from a stable perspective.

          This episode also pulled no punches when it came to surprising the audience. Starting off with a marriage proposal from Fitz despite not knowing Simmons couldn’t hear him left my whole room screaming in agony, and it just got crazier from there. Supporting characters were dropping like flies, from the mind reading Inhuman to the boss of Team Coulson to even Tess. The stakes are getting much higher for our team, but now that they’re almost all back together it’s probably nearing time for them to leave.

          While them being officially engaged now is a wonderful surprise for longtime fans of the show, knowing this show makes me really worried. S.H.I.E.L.D isn’t beyond killing off main characters (Trip, Ward, Lincoln), and Clark Gregg has gone on record that the 100th episode coming in March will shock longtime fans, so I really hope that doesn’t mean one of them is gonna die on their wedding day.

          This was an awesome episode. I barely scratched the surface talking about all the stuff in it, including Fitz’s awesome manipulation of Kasius and May’s fight against the mind reader guy. Clark Gregg really knows how to make an episode insanely exciting and constantly surprising while still furthering the plot. How about we get him to do another one before the season’s over?



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