Saturday 27 January 2018

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “Best Laid Plans”

I want to get off Mr. Kasius’s Wild Ride
(This review contains spoilers!)

          So…that was an episode. I’ll give it this, at least we actually got a bit more than just the agents sitting around and talking in a feeble attempt to move the plot along this week. They actually had a few action sequences, and yeah, they were pretty great. Other than that though, this was yet another episode that is suffering from the fact that the space storyline has grown incredibly tired in just a short time, and we’re ready to move on to something different.

          Coulson’s team are trying to reunite with Mack on the Lighthouse by flying the ship up there, but unsurprisingly the engines are fried, requiring them to come up with a new solution. Meanwhile, Team Mack has made an incredible discovery: Tess is alive…somehow. Through her they discover that Kasius has booby-trapped the entire lighthouse, so it’s up to them to disarm the place before it all goes up in flames.

          It’s not a bad concept on paper, but it all falls flat for one specific reason: the direction. I don’t know who directed this one, but it wasn’t pretty, aside from the admittedly impressive first shot that made use of the Marvel logo of all things. Things that were clearly supposed to be tense wound up looking more comical, especially in the scenes where Coulson and Enoch were flying in the ship during the gravity storm. They were clearly just bouncing up and down in their seats to try and make it look like the storm was shaking them all over the place, but it looked more like they were just getting really fidgety in their seats.

          There’s also a scene where Coulson is walking and a wire falls down from the ceiling and hits him in the face. The fact that they put this random thing in the episode at all is hilarious on its own, but what makes it even funnier is that it was shot as an action sequence, with epic camera angles and everything. It’s so random and out of nowhere that I can’t tell if it was meant to be taken seriously or not.

          This episode also continues this season’s biggest problem I haven’t really touched upon in these reviews yet: the constant use of spinning cameras. You’d think that parts of this season took place in the middle of a carousel, because there are entire scenes that consist of the only camera angle being just spinning around the characters over and over and over, and this episode was no different. People prone to motion sickness be warned.

          This episode did have a few good points, though. Like I said earlier, the action scenes were up to S.H.I.E.L.D par, but nothing really special. I liked the solution of using the gravity storm to get off the surface, and I liked the concept behind Mack’s story (but why they thought doing a reversal on Tess dying would be a good idea is a mystery), and his meeting with Kasius at the end of the episode was pretty fun. Other than that I’ve officially checked out of this story arc. It’s just not that fun when the entire season is just the cast running back and forth between a few different rooms, unlike the usual globe-trotting adventures of the S.H.I.E.L.D crew. One has to wonder if their budget was slashed between Season 4 and now, because when compared to how great Ghost Rider looked last time around the CGI here is especially underwhelming.

          If I’m right I think next week is the last episode before we take a break for the Olympics, so hopefully it’ll finish with a bang. We certainly haven’t had one of those in a while.



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