Saturday 24 June 2017

Re:Creators Episode 12 Review

A tease for what’s to come
(This review contains spoilers!)

          With how awesome the ending of the first half of this anime was, it’s become difficult to remember all the exposition we had to fight through to get to the good stuff. This episode served as a way to remind us of a time before Re:Creators got good.

          This episode basically takes place entirely in a single room with a few deviations for a small B-plot involving Alice coming to terms with her creator, and it can be summed up in one word: boring. The first half is devoted to Sota finishing off his story from last time (something that should’ve been accomplished over the course of a single episode if you ask me), and the rest of it is all about the creators and creations figuring out and then explaining how they’re going to defeat Altair.

          The final scenes showing off how Altair’s creator met her untimely demise were much better directed than the flashbacks we saw last week at least. The scene where she finally called it quits (yeah, that’s a humane way of putting it, I’m so good at this writing thing) was easily one of the best we’ve seen from this show yet, using the long drone of a train horn in ways I never thought it would be used.

          Moving on, the rest of the episode was spent doing what apparently is the showrunners favourite part of this anime: listen to Meteora talk for really long periods of time. Ugh!

          Don’t get me wrong, I like her as a character, and her voice actress (Inori Minase of Re:Zero, School-Live and Magical Girl Raising Project fame among many others) is awesome, but having one single character drone on and on about what the master plan is doesn’t exactly make for intriguing discussion.

          Here’s the gist of the plan as far as I understand: the creators are going to make a massive crossover spinoff, write all the creations into it, and use that to trap Altair and take her down for good. There. That took me about a minute to write and you probably just a few seconds to read. So why do we need ten minutes dedicated to talking about it!?

          In all seriousness, this sounds like a really fun way to wrap up this series, but it just begs the question. What if the big crossover that’s going to end Re:Creators…is Re:Creators?

          Yeah, probably not, but how insane would that be?

          This episode had a lot of necessary information in it, but didn’t deliver it in an especially great way. Having Meteora talking for minutes on end didn’t quite get the message across, which is especially frustrating when she’s trying to explain what the climax is probably going to be. At least the Sota flashbacks were really well done, but I still think we should’ve had an entire episode devoted to them instead of splitting them between two.

          Oh, and next week is apparently going to be the most dreaded things in all of anime:

          A RECAP EPISODE.



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