Monday 5 June 2017

Editorial: My E3 2017 Predictions (E3 Month 2017 Part 2)

My E3 2017 Predictions

          Alright, it’s time once again to give my predictions for what we’ll be seeing at the six major conferences this year. My rule as always: it’s cheating to predict something they’ve already announced will be there (for example, “new Assassin’s Creed would be a no-go because we know they’re going to announce it). Plus, it’s more fun to try to figure out the new stuff that’s coming than guessing what’s going to earn a second year at E3 on its belt. With that said…

A Star Wars game that isn’t Battlefront

          EA’s conference is a toughie this year. Unless they pull out a huge surprise, they won’t have a Mass Effect, Battlefield or Titanfall game they can rely on to amaze people this year. Are they going to continue the annual release of screentime given up to EA Sports titles? Or are they going to try to do what Nintendo pulled off last year and dedicate the entire conference to Battlefront II?

          Honestly, neither of those sound like a good idea (although this is EA we’re talking about, and they’re the kings of bad ideas). That’s why I think we’ll be seeing a brand new Star Wars title completely unrelated to Battlefront announced this year.

          Last year we got a laughably bad montage where they showed off all the Star Wars content that they promised we’d get to see for real…eventually. Well, a year’s gone by since then, so one would hope we’d be seeing something from one of those developers this year. 1313 brought back from the dead, anyone?

Doom 2

          They say it’s best to strike the iron while it’s hot. Doom was met with huge praise and success last year (which accidentally introduced the worst review policy ever), so it doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch to think that plans are already underway for round 2.

          While I doubt we’ll actually be getting the game this year (even next year seems like a stretch), I wouldn’t be surprised to see a brief announcement trailer for the sequel this time around. Bethesda hasn’t announced much of their lineup for the next few years aside from Quake Champions, so announcing the sequel to one of 2016’s biggest success stories seems like a plausible route to take.

Halo 6 on Scorpio

          The Xbox One’s been floundering ever since it was first announced, thanks to the initial sales pitch being one of the worst console marketing schemes ever conceived and having a lack of exclusives worth buying an entire console for. Considering this conference will likely be focused on announcing and advertising the new Xbox Scorpio, I’m willing to bet that Microsoft knows they’ll need a Breath of the Wild sized launch game to really push this console.

          And what better route to take than pulling out Ol’ Reliable?

          Halo 5 launched with all the impact of a marshmallow landing on a cotton swab (note to self: need better allegories), so the franchise that set the standard for first-person shooter games is currently trying to crawl its way out of mediocrity. What better way to fix two problems at once by releasing a show stopping Halo 6, available exclusively on the Scorpio?

          Microsoft has announced that a new Halo game won’t be at the conference, and usually when a developer says something won’t be at E3 they stick to their guns. But the Scorpio needs a good game at launch, and having it be Microsoft’s biggest franchise makes the most sense.

The ultimate dance-off

          I mean, last time they started off with a huge dance number, so they’ve gotta top it this year, right? And what better way to do it than with a massive dance battle onstage?

          I dunno, they already announced all the major games they’re doing this year and it’s too early for sequels to the stuff they talked about last time. There’s nothing I can really say.

Spyro Remastered

          Sony’s been bringing out a lot of nostalgic licenses from the PS1 days lately for either remasters or new installments. The Crash and Wipeout remasters have a lot of people excited, and fans really enjoyed PaRappa HD. So who’s next to be brought out of the history books?

          People have been asking for this one ever since Spyro became the poster boy for the first Skylanders game, and now that Sony’s gotten all aboard the nostalgia train I think it’s finally his time to shine. While I’m not really familiar with the franchise myself, I think a remaster of the first three games would really make people happy.

Smash Bros. for Switch

          Nintendo’s been doing a great job in maintaining a steady stream of popular IPs coming out for the Switch. We already have Zelda and Mario Kart, and Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey are due out for later this year. Honestly, having the next step be Smash Bros seems like a no-brainer.

          I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo decided to go the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe route with Smash, releasing a “Definitive Edition” of the Wii U/3DS game with all modes included in one package, plus all the DLC included. Throw in a few new characters and stages (Splatoon and ARMS alone would make for a bunch of new content) and Nintendo has a fantastic little game sure to move more consoles.

          So there’s my big predictions for this year’s conference! Odds are I’m right for at least one of them, so there’s that I guess.

          Stay tuned for next time, as I give my thoughts on all the major conferences and decide on who my E3 winner is!

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