Saturday 10 June 2017

Re:Creators Episode 10 Review

(This review contains spoilers!)

          While I love Re:Creators a lot, I’ll be the first to admit that it has its fair share of problems and issues. For instance, with a cast this big it comes as no surprise that a few main players haven’t quite had the same amount of screentime as others. One of the stranger decisions thus far is to have Selesia, the character usually central on posters, advertising material and the like for this show, do basically nothing past the first few episodes.

          While this episode didn’t do much for her plot-wise, it was an enjoyable way to bring her back to the frontlines, while also creating a great fight scene.

          There isn’t much by way of plot this week, as Re:Creators once again gathers everyone for an awesome fight scene. Seriously, this show has some of the best anime fights I’ve seen since One Punch Man. The animation is always top-notch, and the new inclusion of techno music with lyrics in the background make it even cooler. All the characters got a little slice of action this time around as well, even ones like the mecha guy who’ve done barely anything thus far.

          Selesia is the one who truly takes center stage, as she arrives to protect Meteora from Alice. But just as it looks like we’re about to get a fight between the two, Altair intervenes, disarming Selesia and having Alice accidentally stab her. The two main girls are down, the mech guy and the rival guy are off fighting their own battles, and things aren’t looking good.

          Re:Creators then decides to throw us for yet another loop, introducing a new way to power up the characters. Selesia’s creator sends out a tweet with the image drawn a few episodes ago, and after people respond positively to it Selesia is revived with amped up fire magic. I love this idea so much! It’s been made clear that fans need to accept a change before it can actually happen in the creations, so having a tweet by the creators with some new changes give a temporary boost to the creations is a brilliant idea. I really hope this is explained a bit more later on, because I really want to see more of it.

          While this episode is definitely more of a “finale showdown” type of story that doesn’t really progress the plot (aside from the tweet thing), it’s so much fun to watch. The fights in this show alone are well worth the time spent in exposition hell earlier on in the season. According to Magane at the end (as well as the showrunners) we’ve reached the halfway point in our adventure with these characters, and it’s been quite the ride so far.



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