Friday 23 June 2017

CanadianYeti Reviews Summer Update


          Hey guys! So summer is finally here, and as the weather gets warmer and the water parks starts opening, things are going to be changing a little bit on this blog, plus I’m going to be introducing some new stuff that I really hope you’ll get excited about! So let’s not waste any time and look over everything that’s happening this summer here on CanadianYeti Reviews!

What’s staying the same?

Monday editorial: No need to worry, the game industry keeps making messes for me to heckle them on regardless of what time of year it is. Every Monday will have a brand new editorial as I talk about something related to gaming throughout the summer like I always have. I can tease that this Monday’s has already been finished, and revisits the topic of review embargos, introducing sites like Rotten Tomatoes into the mix. I’m also working on editorials about Star Wars Battlefront II and Assassin’s Creed Origins, so you can expect those sometime soon.

Game reviews: I’ve got plenty of games to play this summer, so you can expect plenty of these over the next few months. If you missed it, I put up a review of ARMS yesterday, and you can check that out right here. The next game I’ll be talking about will be RiME, and the review for that one will be going live as soon as I write it.

Movie reviews: I don’t know how many of these I’ll be doing this summer, since I don’t really go see movies unless they’re something I know will be worth investing time in the theatre to see. But I can guarantee that you’ll be getting a Spider-Man: Homecoming review around when the movie comes out (most likely on July 7).

What’s changing?

Star Wars Saturday: This was a tough decision to make, but considering how hard I work on this series I felt it was a necessary one. While my bi-weekly Star Wars article series isn’t stopping anytime soon (I have topics planned out through next January if you can believe that), scheduling of stuff like anime and TV reviews are forcing a change of date.

          When Inhumans launches this Fall, it will be on Friday nights instead of the Tuesday slot S.H.I.E.L.D held for years. This means that reviews for both those shows will go live on Saturday morning. Similarly, a lot of the anime I’m planning on checking out this summer air on Saturdays. So I had a choice to make: either stick to the original weekday and risk the Star Wars content competing with Marvel TV and anime reviews every week it goes live, or change things up.

          So I came to what I think is a reasonable decision. As of today, Star Wars Saturday and the Marvel TV reviews are officially swapping spots on my blog’s schedule. With Inhumans reviews going live on Saturday mornings starting in the Fall, Star Wars content will now be on Wednesday mornings. Next Wednesday’s article will be the first ever Star Wars Wednesday, and I hope you all look forward to this change.

TV Reviews

Timeless reviews: While I’m extremely happy that my near endless pushes for this show to be renewed ended in victory, from what I’ve heard we’re in for a bit of a wait before we see the return of the Time Team. So until then, these reviews are going to be on hiatus.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D reviews: Same as Timeless, Coulson and crew are going on an intergalactic vacation until January, and I can’t exactly review something when there isn’t any content for me to write about. I’m looking forward to watching and reviewing Inhumans in the fall, but for now our Marvel TV reviews are taking a break.

Steven Universe reviews: I’ll keep this one simple. Whenever this show decides it wants to come back, these reviews will be back as well.

Anime Reviews

Little Witch Academia reviews: Unless the fansubs are delayed, my review of the season finale and final thoughts on Little Witch Academia will be up bright and early Monday morning. I’m also planning on doing a review guide of sorts once the show goes live on Netflix, so if you’ve been waiting for official release and want a quick and easy way to read along what I thought of each episode, that’ll be a good way of doing it. I’m really going to miss this anime, but I still hope we’ll see more of it someday.

Re:Creators reviews: These aren’t going anywhere either, but I may be formatting them a little different (as I’m going to explain in a second). Needless to say I’ve been enjoying this anime a lot, and I’m absolutely going to see it through to the end.

Summer anime reviews: So here’s where things are getting a bit tricky. I’ve picked out quite a few anime to review over the course of the summer, but as always I’m probably going to drop a couple of them. Until then, I don’t really have any plans set in stone for what I will and won’t be reviewing.

          The tricky part is that a lot of these shows are airing on either Saturday or Sunday. The problem with this is that if I do end up reviewing all the weekend shows, they might flood the blog. My solution for this is the Weekly Anime Review Roundup, where I review the episode of each show I watched one by one in a single article each week. The Re:Creators reviews will be included there from now on as well.

          Like I said, I’m not 100% if I’ll be going through with this plan yet as it all depends on which anime I decide to watch and which I drop, but I’ll give an update in a few weeks on the situation.

What’s new?

Salvation Reviews: So this is a new show starting up in July I thought I’d check out. I know nothing about it outside of the synopsis so I might just end up reviewing the pilot and never watching the show again, but it’s worth a shot.

CanadianYeti Seasonal Specials: This is a project I’ve been thinking about ever since I launched the bi-weekly Star Wars content, and I’m finally ready to launch it!

          Seasonal Specials is an entirely new article series here, and it’s going to give me the freedom to write about more unique topics instead of sticking to the usual reviews and occasional editorial format I’ve been doing for over a year. How it’s going to work is every once in a while I’ll pick a topic and do a few articles on it over the course of a few weeks. It can be anything from extended top 10 lists to movies to games, as long as it’s interesting and I have something to say about it.

          The first Seasonal Special will start sometime early on in July, and the theme is Summer of Stranger Things. In preparation for the new season of Stranger Things releasing later this year I’m finally going to watch the first season and get all caught up. I’ll write an article about each of the 8 episodes over the course of 8 weeks, giving my thoughts on it and predictions on where the story’s going to go.

          So that’s my plans for the next few months! As always thank you for reading, and I hope everyone has a great summer!

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