Sunday 18 June 2017

Re:Creators Episode 11 Review

Halfway there
(This review contains spoilers!)

          We’ve officially reached the halfway point of our adventures with the creations and creators, and this episode was definitely a tonal shift from what we’ve been seeing for the last few weeks. Altair and Magane are nowhere to be seen, and the episode focuses on Sota as he finally tells the truth about his past with Altair. Now that that’s out of the way, I don’t see him as a waste of space anymore.

          Instead I see him as a terrible person now, but I digress.

          The creations are recovering from their injuries from last week’s showdown, so that means it’s time for idle chitchat! In all seriousness, the characters do have some nice genuine moments together, including a very good scene where Selesia and her creator go over the merits of creating a fictional world for others to see. It’s a genuine conversation you’d think for these two characters to have, and it makes me really happy Selesia is back in the spotlight.

          The mech guy also finally does something this week! Yeah, remember him? He’s still in this show! He turns out to be the one that finally encourages Sota to tell the truth about his past to everyone and how he can make a change despite being human. It’s a very Kingdom Hearts-esque speech, but one that rings through nonetheless.

          So now it’s finally time to see what’s going on with Sota and that mysterious girl from his past. And…it’s basically what we already knew. The two of them hung out, but when her art started to get more popular than his they drifted apart. Then someone accused her of plagiarism, and now she’s dead. Simple and easy.

          The flashback scene felt pretty darn underwhelming for two specific reasons: one, we already basically knew what was going to happen thanks to the show outright telling us a few episodes back. And second, the voice actress for the girl wasn’t quite up to snuff. Her delivery made her feel like a parody of the typical romance anime love interest instead of a character of herself. If the character ever comes back I really hope she does a better job.

          This really felt like the “breather episode” after the breakneck pace back-to-back fight scenes we’ve had for the past few weeks, and there’s nothing wrong with that. These episodes give us time to build characters that we really haven’t seen in a while because of all the action, like Selesia and the mech guy (I’ll learn his name someday, I swear!) Despite this, this episode felt kind of skippable, especially since they all but told us what happened to that girl a few episodes ago. It was extremely easy to put the puzzle pieces together just from the info we had, so I think the only reason why they spelled it out for us was so the other characters could get that information. This episode was a weaker one, but it’s easily forgiven when you remember how good this anime’s been the last few weeks.



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