Saturday 29 April 2017

Re:Creators Episode 4 Review

Talking about it
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Re:Creators has been a really entertaining watch thus far, being a fun take on several tried and true anime genres. The thing is, for the last few weeks it’s mostly spent it’s time setting up everything for whatever they’re planning later, introducing the characters bit by bit and explaining the rules of the world.

          This episode definitely served as more of a way to learn about the characters, specifically Meteora. Since the spotlight has more or less been on Selesia since day one, it’s nice to see the other main character finally get screentime other than as an exposition machine.

          Meteora learned that her creator passed away in a motorcycle accident some time before she arrived, which is dismaying as she was going to base her views on the world on how he felt about it. With him gone, she played the game he made and enjoyed it, deciding to ally with the humans once and for all.

          It’s kind of a plot point that came out of absolutely nowhere, considering we were never hinted previously that Meteora was anything but loyal to the main character guy and his team. It’s a nice scene though, adding more depth to her character.

          Speaking of main character guy, I still have to question whether he serves a purpose in this show aside from providing a place for Selesia and Meteora to stay. Honestly, Selesia’s creators have done significantly more than he has in the last four episodes. Maybe he’ll do something cool later on down the line? Because right now he just feels like a complete waste of space that distracts from the real main draw of the series, that being the creations.

          Over on the villain’s side, the knight girl from a few weeks back (named Alice) has actually captured her creator. After being ordered to turn her war-torn world into one of peace and failing, he’s now being held hostage by the Military Uniform Princess. Poor guy.

          Alice and the magical girl also strike up a really fun relationship. I love that the writers chose these two to pair up, because they play off each other incredibly well. Coming from two different anime with extremely different genres, their different views on the world lead to a lot of cute and funny moments, and it’s something I hope to see more of.

          Apparently the Military Uniform Princess’s master plan is destroying the world by bringing in more and more creations that bend the laws of physics, but that’s only a theory by Meteora. What’s really interesting is that she’s likely a creation herself considering the powers we saw her use in Episode 1, so there’s a possibility she could only be the Darth Vader to someone else’s Emperor Palpatine. This is definitely a show that leaves you wanting a lot more, and since this is a two-cour anime I’m hoping it’ll deliver on everything.

          This episode was extremely dialogue heavy, but it never really felt exhausting like a certain other anime I dropped last week. I think it helps that I’m already really invested in the story and characters here and I really want to know the master plan behind all of it. The character relationships are also very entertaining, and the writers are doing an excellent job of using the characters to create some very entertaining situations. I still wish the male lead had more to do though. He still feels like he’s there just because this type of show usually has a male lead. Other than that, though, Re:Creators continues to be a fun and interesting anime that I really hope more people check out.



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