Monday 24 April 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 16 Review

Deep freeze
(This review contains spoilers!)

          While I’m enjoying the overarching plot of Little Witch, I can’t deny that I think these characters work best in one-off settings where they have to solve a magical problem or meet a wacky character. This episode was able to juggle the best of both worlds, creating a delightful one-off that also managed to further the plot a bit.

          Akko, Lotte and Sucy are visiting Lotte’s family in (if I remember correctly) Scandinavia, while at the same time searching for the fourth word. Of course, while they’re there things start to go horribly wrong. It turns out some of the pies made by the next door neighbour are cursed in a hilarious bit of coincidence, trapping everyone but Akko in moss. So now Akko needs to find the five ingredients required to brew an antidote to save everyone.

          Akko really carries this episode on her shoulders like never before, and does a fantastic job of it. She goes through a lot of character development in this episode alone, almost making it feel like a mini-arc for her. All the ingredients are achieved through patience, and watching her go from not being able to stay in a sauna for three minutes to being able to convince a yeti to ignore internet trolls so he can make the last and most crucial part of the antidote. This episode really personifies what makes Akko such a great character: despite her many faults, her determination and optimism really makes her someone you want to cheer for, even if she gets annoying at times.

          This episode was also one of the funniest in a long time, with lots of great visual and spoken jokes. I loved that the yeti is wearing jeans for no particular reason. It’s such a silly little touch that doesn’t need to be there, but that’s what makes it great. There’s also a fantastic joke towards the end of the episode while Akko is making her way back to Lotte’s house, but I dare not spoil it. I’ll just say that it comes completely out of left field and it made me laugh out loud when I saw it.

          The plot is progressed a little this week, mostly by Akko unlocking the fourth word through her patience. We also got another peek at what Croix is up to, but it really felt unnecessary to me. She seems to be experimenting with emotions to see which will make her magic the strongest, eventually settling on anger. I’m almost certain Croix has some sort of grudge against Chariot because of something she did in the past, especially considering her cubes are what built the monster at Chariot’s concert in the first episode. Perhaps the two were friends or even partners at one point before something went horribly wrong?

          While this scene does add a bit more mystery to Croix and Chariot’s relationship, I kind of wish we’d gotten more time with Lotte’s family instead. They get barely any screentime at all, and I would’ve liked to hear about their family history or how magic vanishing has affected their business. I’d much rather have seen that than a random scene with Croix that comes out of nowhere and doesn’t affect the episode’s story.

          Still, this episode was a complete joy to watch, and reminded me once again why I adore this series. This one-off story was a complete delight, with humour, heart and even a little bit of suspense towards the end. While it has a few faults, I can’t deny that it ranks up there with the other fantastic episodes this series has given us.

          Seriously, this show’s gotten more 10/10s from me than anything I’ve ever reviewed. It’s just that good.



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