Monday 10 April 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 14 Review

This train isn’t stopping!
(This review contains spoilers!)

          A new season of anime has begun, and that means we’ve officially segued into the second half of Little Witch Academia. As much as I don’t want to see the end of this delightful show, I am sincerely looking forward to seeing what Trigger has planned for us next, and this episode was a perfect way to get started.

          The faeries working in the school are starting to feel shafted because they haven’t gotten as much power from the Sorcerer Stone as they think they deserve. This leads to them putting up barriers around the Stone in retaliation, depriving all of Luna Nova from not only magical power, but also the housechores like cooking and cleaning. It’s not long before all power is drained, leaving the students without heat or water.

          While this is happening, a new professor has entered the scene. Professor Croix is her name, and she specializes in being evil Modern Magic. She has various magical drones and robots she can use remotely to cast spells, as well as a pretty obvious agenda of her own. She was the one controlling the weird cube snake at the end of last week’s episode.

          Croix is a very interesting character for a number of reasons. She’s most likely going to be our ultimate villain, given that she seems to have an affinity to musing about her plans in dark rooms by herself, but I have a theory that her magical inventions might be the cause of the magic depletion the teachers keep mentioning. That one really strict professor mentions multiple times in the episode that modern technology is banned in Luna Nova, making me feel that something like this has never been seen before, even by these old teachers. Another interesting tidbit is that if you go back to the very beginning of the first episode, you can see that the monster Chariot fights during her show is made of the same cubes Croix uses to build her robots. Judging by the end of the episode it’s obvious that Chariot/Ursula has a history with her, but what could it be?

          Hilariously, while trying to reason with the faeries Akko decides instead that what they want makes sense and joins their cause. She ends up spearheading the revolution, but the teachers maintain that they just don’t have enough power to meet the faeries’ demands. But even Diana’s demands won’t make them budge.

          Akko’s relationship with Diana looks to be another major point for the second cour. The two of them are prominently featured in the new opening contrasting with each other (with Chariot appearing behind Akko and Croix behind Diana for a brief second, interestingly) and they share a great scene where Akko finally tells Diana how she sees her as an aristocrat with no regard for those of lower ability than her. Diana hasn’t gotten much development yet, which is a shame, because I think she could be made out to be a very interesting character. I liked seeing her flustered and embarrassed when Akko called her out, losing her cool for what I think is the first time in the series so far. I really hope we get a strong relationship between the two, be it positive or negative, in the coming weeks.

          The episode concludes with the faeries taking their frustration out on the students of Luna Nova after someone (who definitely wasn’t Croix) attacked one of their own at night and blamed Hannah and Barbara for it. Croix swoops in and saves the day, leaving the teachers impressed enough to allow her to keep using technology on Luna Nova grounds. Akko is especially impressed by her, and is interested in learning more about the magic tech. The episode ends with Ursula returning from a trip wishing to tell Akko the truth, but upon seeing her with Croix she hesitates.

          This episode was just as good as last week’s, but for an entirely different reason. While the last episode was fantastic because of the spectacle and the fact that it gave most of the running storylines a nice conclusion, this week was fantastic because it introduced what’s coming next in a fun and hilarious way via the faerie strike while still utilizing what made the first cour so fantastic. If this episode is any sign, the second half of Little Witch will be even better than the impressive first.



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