Sunday 11 December 2016

Update Announcement: Welcome to CanadianYeti!

As you may or may not have noticed, things’ve changed a little bit around here! I have decided to rebrand a little bit, trying out a new username, background, and other stuff.

          The biggest change you’ll notice is the new name. I’ve adopted CanadianYeti as my new name for blog stuff (and possibly others in the future). I must say I’m much fonder of this than I ever was ChibiHyena, as that was mostly a way to use my gamertag (Hyena142) in a username that didn’t have any numbers. Honestly, given the fact that I’ve started using my preferred name for most things is a sign that it was pretty awful from the start.

          The second thing you’ll notice has changed is the background! It’s a pretty snowy mountain now instead of those weird Twilight Princess inspired patterns I had before! Hooray! Plus, that ugly orange header has been replaced by a blue one, so that’s nice.

          Honestly, that’s really everything you need to know. For the foreseeable future everything else will remain the same on here, with game editorials, reviews, and whatever else I feel like putting out. The URL will also remain for now, just until I can figure out a way to create a second url for the site that redirects here.

          I hope you enjoy the new look of the site and I look forward to providing you with more content in the future!

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