Friday 2 December 2016

Steven Universe Review: “Three Gems and a Baby”

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(This review contains spoilers!)

          I’ve always been a fan of the episodes that flashback to Greg’s life with Rose. It’s interesting to see how the love between those characters bloomed, as well as the reactions from the other Crystal Gems. Three Gems and a Baby did things a little differently, taking place a few months after Rose’s passing as Greg and Steven experience their first winter together.

          The episode itself is a good one, albeit one that feels a bit rushed in both the animation and storytelling departments. For some reason, the characters all seem a bit off model in this one in their animations, and nothing seems quite as refined as we’ve come to expect from Steven Universe. Likewise, the story in this episode seems to jump from problem to resolution awfully fast, making me feel like this would’ve worked better as the half-hour special instead of Gem Harvest, which could’ve only lasted 11 minutes.

          Aside from those issues, Three Gems and a Baby is a very cute episode that gives light to what Greg and the Gems were like in the first few months after Rose’s death. As expected, Garnet is warm and welcoming to Steven, Amethyst hasn’t really accepted Rose is gone yet, and Pearl has completely lost her marbles. Greg also plays a major role in this episode, feeling completely unprepared to take care of a baby by himself. The episode starts off with a short yet delightful song by Greg about how he’s not ready for any of this, and while I think it could’ve been a tiny bit longer, it’s a very sweet song that fits the episode.

          Then things get thrown into high gear as the Gems literally kidnap Steven and steal Greg’s van in an attempt to bring Rose back. The three each try their own tactics, but they ultimately come to the realization that Rose is gone and Steven is here now, and they must take care of him.

          One of the more startling moments of the episode comes courtesy of Pearl, who momentarily considers tearing Steven’s gem out to bring Rose back once and for all. She obviously doesn’t, deciding that since this was what Rose wanted she should try and accept it, but that just begs the question that Steven Universe has posed several times before: what would happen to Steven if something happened to his gem? We know that the other gems poof if something happens to their physical form, but since the only gem part of Steven is his literal gem, it’s unclear what would happen to him. Considering Steven is the main character of this children’s cartoon show, it’s likely we’ll never find out, but it’s fun to speculate.

          While Three Gems and a Baby has some significant problems, the episode is ultimately sweet enough to forgive them. I like that we finally got insight as to what the characters were like just after Rose’s death, as well as their half-hearted attempts to bring her back after they don’t understand what Steven is. I also liked the winter setting, making this feel like as much of a Christmas episode as we’ll ever get from Steven Universe. As this is likely our last episode of the year for Steven Universe, it’s a nice way to wrap up and put a bow on what’s been a fantastic year for the show.



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