Saturday 3 December 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 10 Review

(This review contains spoilers!)

          As the grand finale approaches ever closer, Magical Girl Raising Project continued to pull back the curtain on the mysteries behind the scenes, as well as kill off two more characters, leaving us with five remaining girls.

          This week was more or less split into two halves, the first focusing on Snow White and Hardgore Alice, and the second focusing on Swim Swim’s crew and Cranberry. Ripple only had a cameo this week, as she proclaimed her intention to hunt down Swim Swim in a vengeance.

          Hardgore Alice’s story came to a rather anticlimactic end, as Minael and Swim Swim basically figured that if they kill her in human form, she can’t come back. They accomplished this with relative ease, although it would’ve been much more of a surprise had the showrunners not telegraphed her death by showing her home life yet again! This is becoming a serious problem for the show, because it happens twice this episode for the two characters that died, as well as for essentially every character death before this. Although it was sad to lose Alice (she’s been a great, albeit underused character), it would’ve been a lot more tragic had she not go down predictably.

          The good thing about Alice dying is that it’ll give Snow White even more of a purpose to start doing things and get her hands messy. Considering she’s the face of the series, Snow White has a free ticket to the end right now, and I’d love to have her act against her character out of pure spite and vengeance.

          Speaking of that, let’s talk about Swim Swim, especially since the rest of the episode focused on her. She and Cranberry are currently battling it out for who’s earned the right to be the main villain of this series. Swim Swim has overall done more, but the show seems to be playing Cranberry as the true final boss, as well as the one pulling the strings behind all this. Given how Fav refers to her as “Master”, it seems that she’s the mastermind behind the killing of the other girls, as well as the reduction of the final count from eight to four. She also seems to be planning a deathmatch of sorts for the grand finale, which I’m assuming will be how the four get cut down to one.

          But anyways, after the killing of Hardgore Alice, Swim Swim and her crew hunted down Cranberry to the woods. Unfortunately, Minael got cocky and got herself killed, meaning this is the end of the Peaky Angels. Which, again, would’ve been shocking, had it not been telegraphed by a flashback just prior to the actual death. Seriously, come on! At this point, it’s become such a hallmark to the show that you can accurately predict who’s dying next just by seeing what this week’s flashback is! Considering Snow White’s character has improved in these last few episodes, this has definitely become my biggest gripe with the show.

          We ended on a cliffhanger again, with Swim Swim and an injured Tama trying to hunt down Cranberry, but it looks as if Cranberry may have the upper hand. This means it’s time once again for me to predict who’s next to go! Looking at it right now, I’d say that Ripple is going to coast to the final four alongside Snow White, specifically because she’s away from the current action, as well as because she’s featured prominently in most of the promotional material. Cranberry is likely to survive as well, especially considering that she seems to have become the true final boss. This leaves Swim Swim and Tama, and I’d say either one of them is the most likely to go. I’d give Swim Swim an extra edge for survival, especially since she currently has the highest headcount, as well as fueling the fire to both Snow White and Ripple’s vengeance, should she meet them in a final four deathmatch. Tama, on the other hand, doesn’t really have much of a place in the end, but her betraying Swim Swim would be an excellent bookend to her arc. I kind of find it hard to believe that would happen unless the showrunners hid some hints to Tama performing a coup d’état incredibly well, meaning that she is most likely to go next.

          Next week’s episode title was something along the lines of “Servers down for maintenance”, so perhaps everyone will be trapped in human form or something for a while. While this episode was still good, the continued use of flashbacks as an attempt to gain sympathy for the dying characters ultimately backfires, as it has destroyed any chance the deaths have of being a surprise. I assume we’re down to only two or three episodes left, and that doesn’t give them much time to learn their lesson. Still, despite this glaring issue, I’m still enjoying the series for what it is.



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