Monday 19 September 2016

Editorial: Pay no attention to the console behind the curtain

Pay no attention to the console behind the curtain

          I’ll be completely honest here: I didn’t expect to be writing about the NX this early. I’ve been planning on doing an editorial on it ever since I started doing these. The lead-up to release has been such a disasterpiece of epic proportions that I wanted to wait until there was enough to talk about to fill a whole editorial, but I also wanted to cover it before the official unveiling (because I have a “part 2” of sorts planned for after that).

          My original idea for this week’s editorial was to talk about the Windows 10 store and how awful my experience was in buying ReCore, but after watching the NX caravan of craziness unfolding even more over this week, I just had to write about it.

          So if you haven’t been keeping up with the insanity that’s been the Nintendo NX, I’ll recap for you. Since the Wii U was unfortunately a bit of a flop for Nintendo, the race was on to make their next console as quick as possible. There were rumblings that something new was on the way as early as Late 2014, only to be completely blown open in March 2015, when the brand new console was announced by Satoru Iwata, codenamed “NX”.

          Aside from a few brief namedrops at Nintendo Directs and various conferences ever since then, Nintendo has yet to officially announce anything aside from “yeah, this is a thing that’s coming!” Later on, Nintendo would also confirm that the projected release date is March 2017, but other than that, we know absolutely nothing about this console.

          Remember March 2017, because we’ll come back to that.

          Ever since then, the NX has been subjected to what can only be referred to as “The No Man’s Sky Effect”. Rumours and theories about exactly what this box would be able to do, what the controller would be like, what games it would have, and so on. People have been claiming we’ll see the return of cartridges on consoles, a new Smash Bros. game would be available at launch, and several false reports that we’d be seeing news tomorrow, next week, and so on and so forth.

          I mostly had this all running in the background, paying little attention to it. However, it all came to a head for me when this monstrosity started making the rounds on the internet.

          I still remember when I saw this, I literally said out loud “Oh god, please let this thing be fake.” As much as I like the Wii U and think it has an excellent library of exclusives, there’s no denying that one of the major reasons that it failed was because people didn’t like the gimmicky controller. Now that motion controls have finally been all but put out of their misery (aside from gyro controls, but those are still hit or miss), I think that gamers as a whole just want standard controllers back with no more fancy shapes or anything like that.

          Later on, this would be all but confirmed as yet another fake, and we’d later see this patent for detachable controllers that seems to have a bit more legitimacy behind it.

          I can’t say I’m super stoked about this one either, but I’m going to save judgement for when I see the thing for real.

          The latest in NX rumours came to us as a supposed leaked release date for the Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibo. If this is to be believed, we’ll have both the NX and Zelda in our hands on March 4, 2017.

          And this is where the date from earlier comes back into play.

          So in 6 months, we’re going to have the next Nintendo console in our hands. A console we’ve only seen through suspicious “leaked” images and rumours, with only a handful of teasers for a few confirmed games, like the aforementioned Zelda. I sincerely doubt that this is going to come to pass.

          Why? Well, first off, because Nintendo needs to drum up hype. I remember that when the Wii U launched, it was conspicuous by its absence in marketing. If you weren’t a gamer, you’d have no idea that it was a thing. Conversely, when the Wii first launched, it was everywhere. Remember those “Wii would like to play” ads where those two Japanese men would go door to door hawking the Wii to random strangers? You couldn’t escape them back in 2006! As a result, the Wii became one of the highest selling consoles of all time, with it still being difficult to find one even 2 years later.

          If Nintendo has only 6 months to unveil the NX, show off what it and its games can do, and create an advertising campaign large enough to catch the attention of gamers and non-gamers alike, it’s probably going to go the same way as the Wii U. Nintendo’s really been struggling in the years since the Wii U failed, so I was thinking that they’d strike back with force next time.

          I can see 2 paths where this can go ahead. Either Nintendo launches the NX in March as expected and faces the music, or takes it’s time and we eventually see this thing sometime in the summer or holiday season. Honestly, I’d prefer option 2, just so we can have a better handle on what this thing’s going to be.

Although I’ve been extremely critical of Nintendo’s business strategies in recent years, they’re still one of my favourite game companies, and one I hold a great deal of respect and nostalgia towards. Just like every developer, I want to see them succeed. Although negative criticism is fun to write, there always comes a bit of disappointment when it comes to taking something from a favourite franchise or creator and tearing it to shreds. While it was extremely cathartic writing my review of Star Fox Zero earlier this year, I sincerely wanted that game to be good.

So until we see the NX for real, I’ll hold off any judgement. I’m not a businessman, so I’m sure there’s some strategy going on that I won’t understand in the slightest. For Nintendo’s sake, I just want them to bounce back.

Song of the Week

The theme from Mario Chase from Nintendo Land. This launch title for the Wii U is sincerely underrated in my opinion. If you gather a group of friends or family and play a round of one of the competitive games, it can be a lot of fun! It was the main attraction of my family get-togethers for a long time, and I’d like to play it again soon.

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