Wednesday 7 September 2016

Amaama to Inazuma Episode 10 Review

Gone fishin’
(This review contains spoilers!)

          This week, Amaama to Inazuma tried something a little different, in that the same plot thread from last week continued on, and we went right to the cooking segment with no setup at all. Right from the start, it’s clear Tsumugi hasn’t recovered from the end of last week’s episode yet, and there was really no need to repeat themselves with what happened, so I’m glad the showrunners decided to cut the crap and go straight to the cooking segment.

          I’ll be honest: at the start, I thought this was going to be a bad episode. I wasn’t sure if they could handle a full length cooking segment. Plus, with Tsumugi mostly taking a backseat and the return of Shinobu, who I’ve mostly found to be really hit or miss, I thought for sure this was going to stink.

          For once, I’m happy to be wrong. While Episode 10 doesn’t exactly reach the heights of some of the better episodes before it, it’s a stellar episode that builds upon what happened last week, while not exactly resolving it yet (I expect we’ll be following this plot thread up to the finale in two weeks).

          I’d be willing to say this is the funniest episode of Amaama to Inazuma we’ve seen yet. The scene where they’re trying to fillet the fish and everyone’s freaking out was hilarious. Both Tsumugi’s dad and Shinobu were at their best this episode as well, although I did find Kotori to be a little too over the top. When she was getting all squeaky-voiced listing the potential recipes of using the fish, it did get a little annoying and broke my immersion a bit.

          If anything, this episode really shows that even without Tsumugi (as she spends the majority of this episode silent), Amaama to Inazuma is fantastic at doing characters. They feel like real people, and aside from a few of Kotori’s excited outbursts, they’re all completely believable and relatable. The interactions between the main characters while cooking is easily the best part of the show, and it’s why I keep coming back week after week.

          With a post-credits sequence hinting that next week will be focused on making a dessert, I hope the showrunners continue with the current plot thread of Tsumugi coming to accept her mother’s death. They went to some really intriguing and exciting places this week, and they’d to well to continue building on that.



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