Wednesday 14 September 2016

Amaama to Inazuma Episode 11 Review

Holy crepe
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Overall, the (assumed) penultimate episode of Amaama to Inazuma really didn’t do that much different than the last few episodes. Tsumugi is having a problem, it’s solved by the cooking segment, and life goes on. The way it was handled this week was really good, however, even if the episode itself wasn’t very remarkable.

          Tsumugi’s class is having a play, and Tsumugi wants to be that fluffy pink pig that always seems to be everywhere. One of the other girls isn’t happy about this, because she thinks it’s going to clash with her part. A rift breaks between them, and it’s up to her father to patch things up.

          At the same time, Kotori has a small and overall pretty insignificant subplot about needing to come up with a creative crepe recipe in time for the school festival. It never really goes anywhere, aside from a fun conclusion. For what it is, it’s fine. I just wish they’d done a bit more with it.

          In fact, the ending overall is at both times heartwarming and hilarious. Tsumugi brings up a point early on in the episode that all her dad seems to be thinking about lately is food, and the way he proves that she’s more important to him is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. However, it’s what happens afterwards that’s easily the best part of the episode. I dare not spoil exactly what happens, I’ll just say that what Tsumugi’s father’s initial reaction to what happens during the play is priceless.

          It’s also nice to see Shinobu again. I’m really starting to be won over by her character, to the point where I actually think I prefer her to Kotori. Yagi, on the other hand, feels pretty out of place in the overall environment of the show. Towards the end, when Tsumugi’s dad is finally explaining how all he thinks about is Tsumugi, Yagi jumps in with a snide comment that really kicks the scene in the legs.

          Episode 11 isn’t really a standout episode in Amaama to Inazuma’s lineup, but it’s absolutely worth a watch. The overall conflict and resolution are both great, even if the cooking segment is a bit slow and one of the characters feels superfluous. If my source is correct, next week is the season finale, so hopefully they’ll go out on a high note.



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