Saturday 9 July 2016

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review

Building a better game
(This review contains spoilers!)

          For the most part, Lego games are a hit or miss for me. I really enjoyed the original Lego Star Wars games, and to a lesser extent, the Harry Potter games as well. But recently, I feel they’ve fallen in a bit of a rut. Lego Lord of the Rings and Lego Marvel Superheroes were both fun, albeit unmemorable, Lego The Hobbit was agonizingly boring, and Lego Jurassic World holds the distinction of being, in my opinion, the worst game I played in 2015.

          Keeping that in mind, it’s clear that lots of heart and hard work was put into the latest Lego game, an adaption of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s by far the most enjoyable Lego game made in the last few years, although the problems of its recent predecessors still linger on.

          Starting with the graphics, this game isn’t exactly remarkable by today’s standards, but compared to other Lego games, its leaps and bounds beyond the rest. Characters like Chewbacca and Yoda are no longer rendered as featureless plastic. Now they have faces and expressions of their own.

          The best part of this and every other Lego game before it are easily the cutscenes and characters. I’m still sort of on the fence about having the characters talk in these games. While it’s a lot easier to understand the story when it isn’t told through mime, it robs us of a lot of classic moments. Does anyone else remember how the classic “I am your father” scene was redone in Lego Star Wars II? That made me laugh for days the first time I saw it.

          Despite whatever your feelings may be on the Legos talking, the cutscenes are still hilarious to watch, and full of loads of slapstick and visual humour. Between Han constantly acting like a cocky scoundrel, Kylo Ren hanging out in his Darth Vader themed bedroom, and a recurring ice cream vendor in Supreme Leader Snoke’s room, there’s a lot of memorable moments.

          Another new addition is that, for what I believe to be the first time ever in a Lego game, the characters chat during the levels. The entire cast from the movie reprises their iconic roles, including Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Anthony Daniels, and yes, even Harrison Ford. It injects a lot of life into levels that can, at some times, be either too long or too easy. A lot of the game’s jokes lie in this new dialogue as well, as the cutscenes mostly use voice clips from the movie. The Stormtroopers have a lot of goofy remarks, and Adam Driver even gets a few laughs in during the final battle with Kylo Ren.

          While this is all fine and dandy, how is the actual gameplay? I’m happy to say that this is easily the best Lego game since Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga from all those years ago. Since I haven’t played the original in a while, I can’t say for sure if it’s topped it as the best ever, but it comes close.

          Some levels, such as escaping Rathtars on Han’s freighter and invading Starkiller Base with Finn are some of the most fun I’ve had in a Lego game in years. They blend puzzles and action perfectly, so you never get tired of one or the other, just like the old games did. Not all the levels are winners, but we’ll come back to that later.

Each character feels unique, and are all immediately recognizable. Playing as BB-8 is just as much fun as you’d hope. There are also new boss fights, and while none of them are quite as good as the fights against Maul or Vader from the original games, there are some fun ones. I especially found the battle against Captain Phasma to be a complete blast (pun intended).

Another new feature added is Uncharted-like segments where you hide behind cover to shoot. While some of these feel like they’re slowing down the momentum of the game, I really enjoyed them. It almost felt like an arcade style shooter at times.

          The true star of the gameplay, however, is the flying segments. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this is the best and most fun I’ve had flying a ship in a game in a really long time. It’s so weird to think that a Lego game surpasses both Battlefront and Star Fox in this regard. It controls perfectly, with no clunkiness or need to take time to learn. The best parts are when you and a friend are working together to pilot a single ship, with one of you flying and the other gunning. The opening scene with Poe and Finn escaping from the First Order in a stolen TIE Fighter is my personal favourite from Force Awakens, and it’s my favourite level in this game too.

          One thing I’d like to mention is that, just like every other Lego game, Force Awakens is best experienced with a friend. If you can find someone else who wants to play with you, your experience will be 10 times better.

          Still, Lego Star Wars isn’t without its faults. While it’s certainly the most polished Lego game in ages, glitches are still abound, although rarer than they were in Lego Jurassic World. While my brother and I were playing, we encountered several noticeable framerate dips throughout the game, accidentally got Han trapped inside a wall with no escape at one point, and finally, our game crashed during a cutscene, forcing us to replay the dreadful Maz Kanata’s castle level.

          Speaking of that level, it brings up the biggest problem with some of the levels. Several of them are filled with so many puzzles, a Zelda dungeon would be jealous. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but when you’re stuck for around 30 minutes because the level is taking forever to finish because of the sheer number of puzzles, it can drive you crazy. The Maz Kanata’s castle level is especially guilty of this, because it throws a volley of uninteresting, time-wasting puzzles at you in rapid succession, culminating in the worst room in the entire game. Whereas some levels juggle the action and puzzles perfectly, never slowing down, several of the levels can feel like a slog, because of just how often you need to make a pit stop at Point C and D just to get the characters from Point A to Point B.

          Besides the occasional glitches and bad levels, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is still one of the best Lego games in years. I’d say it’s worth a look for the amazing flying segments alone. If you know a young Star Wars fan who’s itching for more Force Awakens action, this game is perfect for them. It’s also great for a rental if you’re spending a weekend with a friend and want a game to play. And even if you aren’t interested in this game at all, you should still check out the cutscenes on YouTube. They’re absolutely worth it.



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