Tuesday 12 July 2016

Amaama to Inazuma Episode 2 Review

Going through the motions
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Now that we’re two episodes into Amaama no Inazuma, I feel that the show hasn’t quite gotten comfortable with what it is yet. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a good episode from a show that is really trying to be a sweet, relaxing watch. It’s just that this week episode is, for all intents and purposes, a repeat of what happened last week.

          Everything that was good about the first episode is still here: The art is fantastic, Tsumugi is still the best character in the show, her relationship with her father is believable and fantastic, and the cooking is surprisingly fun to watch. The animation remains choppy at times, with some weird facial expressions, but overall it’s still good.

          The thing is, aside from a few important plot developments (which I’ll get to in a moment), the show follows the exact same pattern as last week. We open with Tsumugi and her father at home, then we see them at school/work, and then they go to the restaurant to cook with Iida. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to a pattern, at least for a little while. I’m just worried that if it goes on like this, the show will become stale very fast.

          Speaking of Iida, she is where the true meat of this episode lies, and her character development is why it’s not just skippable filler. Whereas in the last episode she was just kind of there with nothing really memorable about her, this week we saw more of her personal fears and exactly why she keeps bringing Tsumugi and her father back to the restaurant.

          So, all in all, a decent episode, and one that’s worth watching, even if it is too similar to last week in terms of plot threads. I hope that next week we’ll have something a little different, or this cooking show might grow bland really fast.



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