Tuesday 27 February 2018

Star Wars Rebels Reviews: “Jedi Night/DUME”

Just one week late!
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Well, they’re finally back. They could’ve been back last week, but since for whatever reason Disney XD Canada is airing the episodes a week behind schedule I’ll be late on reviewing these last few episodes as Rebels winds down to a close. Sorry!

          So, anyways, we have three weeks of double-features (including this one) before Star Wars Rebels takes its final bow and is replaced by…nothing, apparently. There’s still a lot of questions to be answered, such as what’s going to happen to the leads that we don’t know make it to Rogue One and beyond, the mystery of the lothwolves, and whether Ashoka will make a return or if she’s really dead and gone.

          These few episodes answered a few of those questions, especially the first one. “Jedi Night” ranks up as one of the best episodes of Rebels ever, without a shadow of a doubt. Everything from the visuals to the dialogue to the amazing look and feel of the ending was pitch-perfect. While it was pretty obvious what was gonna happen to Kanan throughout the episode, the season thus far, and just by knowing basic Star Wars lore, his death was incredibly hard-hitting. I love how it gave him one last awesome moment as he was able to use the Force to get his sight back for one last look at Hera.

          Why he had to die with that awful new haircut though is a mystery.

          Perhaps because it came immediately after “Jedi Night”, “DUME”, while still not a bad episode by any means, kinda paled in comparison. Ezra went off to find out what to do next without Kanan to guide him, and Sabine and Zeb went to see what the Empire is up to.

          One thing I really liked about this episode is how it subtly tied into Rogue One. Early on Tarkin calls in to tell Thrawn that should his TIE Defender project fails, the funds for it will instead be sent to Orson Krennic’s project “Stardust” (ha ha). Wouldn’t you know it, Governor Price screws the pooch for the TIE Defenders in taking out Kanan, leading to the final push for the Death Star and, by extension, the end of the Empire.

          Overall though “DUME” felt like very little progress for very little gain. Zeb and Sabine fought off Rukh…but didn’t kill him for some reason, Hera came to peace with Kanan’s death, and Ezra figured out that his next goal is to return to the Lothal Jedi Temple. Not much happened here, to be honest. There was also a giant Lothwolf named Dume, but they didn’t do much with that.

          Despite being a week behind, it looks to me like Rebels is really going to make the most of its final six episodes. If “Jedi Night” is the starting point, then we’re in for a real treat later down the line.

FINAL SCORE (Jedi Night)




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