Sunday 27 August 2017

Re:Creators Episode 19 Review

The most anime anime to ever anime
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Re:Creators feels like the Steven Universe of anime right now. Most of the time it’s just fluff and filler that’s just a complete chore to get through, but every once in a while you get an episode like this that just completely blows you away with how creative it is at mashing multiple anime genres into one delightful piece of entertainment.

          This episode pulled no punches when it came to the epic battle, as Selesia’s romantic interest from her series entered the fray fighting for Altair. I’ve long felt that Selesia’s character has been kind of a waste, especially considered she’s featured front and center on most of the promotional material, but this episode was a very satisfying cap off to her small arc.

          Having her becoming more of a hindrance to the other creations by trying to stop them from fighting her friend (I don’t remember his name) is a great way to use the character to amplify the darker tone of the episode, as well as a lead up to her grand finale at the end. Despite Selesia’s character being sent to the sidelines in favour of characters like Meteora and Alice since the first few episodes, her send-off here hit pretty hard.

          I’m also pretty amazed the writers had the balls to kill her off like that, but again she’s been more of a supporting character than a main like the advertising would make you think.

          Alice also kicked the bucket this week after trying to one-on-one Altair. I’ll get back to Alice in a second, but Altair was my one big problem with this week’s episode. She’s becoming less of a cool villain with a backstory that ties to Sota and more of a Broken McBusted type of villain that can just deus-ex machina her way out of any problem. Magic bullets? She can deflect them. Ultimate fire attack? She puts up an unbreakable shield. Literally getting stabbed through the chest? Nope, she can revert the laws of physics!

          While a seemingly unstoppable foe is a great way to utilize all the special abilities of the cast, there’s a fine line that draws the point where a character goes from overpowered to full-on broken, and Altair crossed it with this episode. My big worry is that since it’s inevitable that Sota’s mysterious addition to the story will be integral to stopping her in the end, she’ll ultimately be destroyed by a complete and out of nowhere plot twist, and that’s just no fun.

          But anyways back to Alice, she’s definitely had the most complex arc of anyone this entire show, as we got to see her grow from justice obsessed warrior to a compassionate knight fighting for good. While the way the writers decided to finish her off was a bit cheap, her end was another great way to say goodbye to her character.

          All in all, this episode is the reason why I never dropped Re:Creators even while it got slumped with delays and filler. The action was brilliantly directed, the animation and music were both fantastic, and it was filled with fantastic character moments. I do think as a villain Altiar crossed the line and became a little too overpowered this week with her basically breaking the rules of physics to kill Alice, but other than that this episode really got me excited to see what the last three episodes have got in store.



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