Sunday 20 August 2017

Re:Creators Episode 18 Review

(This review contains spoilers!)

          The fact that this show is reaching its end really snuck up on me. We only have four episodes remaining in our adventure with the Creations, but it really feels like the show is more or less stumbling its way to the end instead of preparing for a grand finale.

          This week was the episode of people turning to the good side, as Alice, Blitz, Magane and Yuya’s rival all look to be joining the good side for one reason or another. While it’s nice to see different sides of these characters, I’ll admit I’m kind of disappointed we’re seeing Magane flipping. She was a personality powerhouse in the first half of the series, dominating entire episodes with her devious charm. I really wish we’d have gotten more of a reason for her to befriend Sota instead of one conversation and she’s apparently good.

          Imagine if in Kill la Kill Nui decided to fight alongside Ryuko at the very end. I don’t know about you, but I’d feel pretty ripped off we lost such an excellent villain.

          Yuya was the surprise star of the episode, as his final showdown with his rival took up much of the episode. Again, I really think we should’ve spent more time setting up the rival character. He just kind of showed up so he could have this one fight with Yuya, and we know absolutely nothing about his character. He’s a boss fight for the sake of being a boss fight.

          Despite this, he’s the recipient of one of the funniest lines in the entire series. While I won’t spoil it, the setup and delivery is pitch-perfect, and had me laughing out loud.

          Honestly, my biggest problem with this episode was that I haven’t been given enough reason to care. Magane turning good just disappointed me, Yuya’s rival has no personality and only seems to exist to set up a joke, albeit a great one, and I know Altair isn’t going down until at least the penultimate episode. If we’re in for several episodes of these characters throwing themselves at each other with no development, I think we’re in for a bad time.



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