Sunday 6 August 2017

Princess Principal Episode 5 Review

Murder on the Anime Express
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Before I start this review, I’d like to take a moment to say that the fact that Re:Creators has been in an extreme slump lately isn’t being helped by the fact that they seem to be taking every other week off. I dunno what’s happening over there, but in all my years of watching anime I’ve never seen one scheduled this poorly.

          But anyways, onto Princess Principal. Once again this show blew me away this week, utilizing Chise’s introduction to create an awesome train chase centerpiece while at the same time giving us a way to both learn more about her character while still furthering the relationship between Ange and Princess.

          A Japanese dignitary is visiting the country, and the girls have been enlisted in protecting him from a murderous samurai who’s closing in on him. Alongside him is Chise, the ninja girl who, until now, hasn’t done a lot in the show. She’s after the samurai because he killed her father, and she needs closure.

          Easily the highlight of the episode is the animation. A lot of this episode is spent using the unique train setting to all of its potential, with great fight sequences from beginning to end. The choreography of the fights in this episode is easily One Punch Man levels of quality, and that’s saying a lot. I also liked the subtle touch that all the characters seemed to move with more weight this week as most of the episode was set on a moving vehicle. Little touches like that really make these shows come to life.

          While this is clearly Chise’s episode, Ange also plays a big part as usual, and there’s even a great little scene that demonstrates how well she works together with Princess. We’ve only gotten little hints of their close relationship here and there, and I honestly can’t wait until we learn about their history later on.

          This episode is honestly almost perfect, even when compared to the previous episodes. But there’s one very minor issue I have with it, and it comes right at the ending. After Chise kills the evil samurai, he is buried outside of the train. Throughout the episode it was hinted that he was her father, and her saying that her father was killed by the samurai was an Obi-Wan Kenobi “certain point of view” explanation.

          This is all fine and good, but I found that Ange flat out stating that he was her father all along kind of softened the blow. How cool would it have been if they didn’t explicitly spell out that her father and the samurai were one and the same and we had to figure it out for ourselves? We could’ve even kept the fantastic bit at the end where Chise uses the spell to stop hurting that her father taught her, because earlier in the episode she says that she needed to kill the samurai before she could cry over her father. The fact that they flat out confirmed the secret instead of leaving it up to assumption is a blemish on a fantastic episode.

          But a fantastic episode is still a fantastic episode, and Princess Principal is continuing its near spotless track record. The train setting and all the fun stuff that comes with it is just plain awesome, and if anything this episode really showed off how much love and care and attention the showrunners are giving this anime. Whereas I’m really starting to lose faith in Re:Creators, I get the feeling that Princess Principal is only gonna get better from here.



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