Thursday 1 March 2018

Chill Chat: Survivor: Ghost Island First Impressions

Survivor: Ghost Island First Impressions

          Spring is here! …Almost!

          And you know what that means! It’s time for TV to return from winter hibernation and shower us all in the most delightful gift imaginable: new episodes!

          As usual, Survivor returned this week with an all-new season, named after the mysterious new wrinkle in the game: Ghost Island. I’m not gonna do a full episode recap here, but instead I’ll be going over my thoughts on some of the new stuff introduced as well as the players to watch.

          First things first, let’s talk Ghost Island itself. I love the look of the place for sure. All these old Survivor artifacts like snuffers and immunity idols and necklaces and the like are scattered around forebodingly, and there’s a giant sign that tells you if you slip up once you’re probably gonna lose the million.

          Overall, a pretty friendly place.

          I also like that Ghost Island isn’t just a fancy Exile Island where you show up and are given an advantage. You have a chance to play for the advantage, but if you lose the 50/50 draw, you get nothing and have to forfeit your vote at your next Tribal Council. Maybe there’ll be other games and tests later on down the line, but I liked what I saw here.

          I also liked how there’s a chance the game might not even be available when you show up to Ghost Island, like poor Donathan discovered. It’s another neat wrinkle if the rest of the contestants ever learn about it. You can send someone to Ghost Island, keeping them out of important discussions with their tribemates, but you also run the risk of giving them an advantage and keeping them in the game because they’re safe from Tribal while there. It’s fun, it’s creative, and I like it a lot.

          Also, the new Tribal Council design is amazing. I love that giant flaming tiki face with all my heart.

          Now, let’s look at the lovely group of castaways we’ll be watching for the next few weeks. Already there’s a few standouts, as well as a few people we haven’t seen much of yet, but one person needs to be specifically called out here.

          While he doesn’t earn the First Boot Award this season, Jacob might’ve had one of the worst starts to a Survivor season ever. Losing his shoes in the ocean, blatantly going to look for an idol while everyone’s still getting to know each other, making a fake idol on Ghost Island…only to admit it was a fake moments later, as well as telling Stephanie about the Legacy Advantage he found, and then being unceremoniously booted from camp at the second Tribal of the season. Yikes. It’s easy to say how you’d play the game from your couch, but I suspect once you’re out there it becomes obvious that maaaaaybe you aren’t the next Cirie.

          Speaking of Stephanie, she’s my first big one to watch for this season. She got a lot of screentime this week without getting much, if any, heat from the rest of her tribe. She seems like an easy person to get along with, which is definitely an asset to use on Survivor, as well as someone not afraid to visit the Parvati Shallow School of flirting with some of the men on the tribe to get what you want. She gives me a lot of Sarah from Game Changers vibes, and that’s a good thing.

          On the other end of the spectrum, we have Donathan. Poor Donathan was put through the wringer on this first episode alone, starting off as a name thrown out for the first boot, then flopped at the challenge, and then found himself on Ghost Island with no advantages or idols or anything to give him a boost. Do I think he has any real chance at winning this thing? Not really. But am I rooting for him? Absolutely! I love his charm and his can-do attitude, and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on him for as long as he sticks around.

          I also really think Brendan might be a powerhouse going forward. He seems to be a real team player, giving pep talks to some of the less confident members of his tribe (*cough* Jacob and Donathan *cough), and as a strong, athletic leader figure it’s no wonder that he’s clearly going to be a reliable figure going forward. The big issue with him is that the big leader types very rarely tend to make it past the Merge (Ben from last season was a rare exception to the norm), because once Individual Immunity is in play people like Brendan that exhibit both strong physical and social gameplay are usually sent off the island before they can start a winning streak that makes it tough to get rid of them.

          We didn’t get to see too much of the Naviti tribe this week, especially since the Malolo tribe wound up at both of the tribal councils of the night, meaning that the editing team decided to focus on them more. Still, I spied a few players I’m really interested in.

          Chief among them is Wendell, who demonstrated some awesome building abilities. Wendell was an easy favourite in the pre-season material, looking like he excelled in every category of the game. While we didn’t get much of him here (again, likely because the focus was on Malolo and the fall of Jacob this week), he demonstrated enough resourcefulness and gameplay prowess to succeed in the game.

          Last but not least, I’d like to look at Domenick. He’s an interesting player, clearly with a no-nonsense attitude where he’ll do or say anything regardless of how people perceive him. Now, in some respects this could be a good thing. He very quickly demonstrated that he’s a determined player as he found the first hidden immunity idol of the season in the dead of night. But a big mouth could lead to big problems, and he quickly severed ties with Chris at the first challenge after he questioned his decisions on who he picked to run said challenge. Making enemies before you’ve even hit the beach is not exactly a solid plan, guy. Still, he has the idol and a partner in Wendell, and it looks like Chris and his surfer-dude pal Sebastian aren’t the brightest bulbs in the coconut tree, so he might have a shot at redeeming himself.

          So, I guess it’s time for my Day 1 pick to win. I gave it a lot of thought and finally was able to narrow it down to either Stephanie or Wendell. We got to see a lot of Stephanie this week, and she definitely gave off vibes of a strong player. My one concern is that she might be playing too hard right out of the gates. Wendell, on the other hand, exhibits strengths in the survival and challenge aspects of the game, but we haven’t seen enough of him to really know for sure how good he is at the social part of the game.

          For now, I think I’ll be sticking with Team Wendell. His strong ties to Domenick might give him safety for the time being, and I think that if he makes it to the merge he could win enough challenges to keep him safe from Tribal.

          Overall, I thought this was a great start to what will hopefully be a great season. Ghost Island and the promise of lots of insane twists coming on down the line sounds tantalizing, and I’ve already picked out several players that I’m really interested in so far. Looks like we’re in for an adventure.

          I’ll be back to talk more about this season at the merge, where I’ll look at each remaining player and give my thoughts on who I think is going to win!

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