Thursday 2 June 2016

Steven Universe Review: “Hit the Diamond”

Take me out to the brawl game
(This review contains spoilers!)

          With Steven Universe throwing its hat into the baseball-themed episode ring, I wondered exactly how that this would play out. Would it be the Gems versus Beach City? Or maybe the Gems versus each other?

          It turns out it was neither of these, as the gems faced off against 5 Ruby guards from Homeworld, who are looking for the leader of “the failed Earth mission”. Peridot immediately assumes that they’re looking for her, and Garnet unfuses in an attempt to get Ruby to dissuade them. She doesn’t do a good job, and Steven convinces them that they have to win a baseball game in order to search the barn.

          My biggest problem here is the fact that Charlene Yi has been enlisted to play not 1, not 2, not 3, but 6 different Rubies in one episode. In order to differentiate themselves from each other, aside from different hues of red, gem placements, and personalities, each one has a different voice inflection. No offense to Yi, but I’ve never found her to be among the best in the cast, and it often sounds like she’s straining her voice to talk as the other Rubies. It kind of breaks the immersion a little. Perhaps it would be better to have a different voice actress for each individual gem, instead of one for each type.

          Still, it’s not a very big part of the episodes, as the Rubies (aside from the main one) don’t do too much talking. The baseball game itself is fun to watch, albeit paced a little strangely. Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis, and Sapphire Earl, Amy, Bob, and Sophie are put up against the Rubies.  Unfortunately, the game is kind of hard to follow. It’s never made clear who is winning, as most of the game goes by in montage. It’s enjoyable enough, but I wish we’d gotten just a little bit more of it.

          Essentially all the action in the episode happens in the last few moments. Sapphire hits a home run, accidentally refuses with Ruby, the other Rubies fuse into a giant, then it’s made clear that this was all a huge misunderstanding and they were looking for Jasper instead of Peridot.

          Steven finally gets rid of them in a hilarious way (again, I won’t spoil it if for some reason you’re reading this spoiler-filled review before watching the episode), and the episode ends. I feel like it’s sort of up in the air whether we’ll see this Ruby quintet again, so it really comes down to whether the showrunners want them back or not. I personally really enjoyed them (despite my problems with the voices), and I’d like to have them pop up once more.

          I enjoyed Hit the Diamond, albeit not as much as the other episodes we’ve had in this 4 week event. It was fast, fun, and had lots of good gem action. I just wish we’d seen more of the actual baseball game itself, instead of the preparation and payoff.



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