Friday 17 June 2016

Space Patrol Luluco Episode 12 Review

Feelings happen
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Beneath all the craziness, humour, and action set-pieces, it’s weird to think that at its core, Space Patrol Luluco is primarily a love story. And although I didn’t like Nova’s character at all until Episode 10, it’s actually a rather compelling love story, diving into themes of young love and what it means to have a first romance.

          So this episode picks up right where last week’s ended off, with Luluco vowing to arrest Nova for stealing her heart. What follows is one of the most insane action sequences I’ve ever seen in an anime, especially for one that’s an 8-minute long comedy show. All the characters get a moment in the spotlight, including the returning duo of Luluco’s parents, Midori and the Chief, and the secretary character who, despite being in every episode, has never said a word. All this while, at the same time, Luluco pilots her mother’s pirate ship through an onslaught of judgement gun morphed sentries. It really is a sight to behold, and goes on for just the right amount of time.

          But the bulk of the episode is focused primarily on Luluco and Nova, and her attempt to arrest/confess to him. The conversation they have is actually a really powerful one (for this show, at least), and the two of them have absolutely developed into a believable couple. Luluco confesses that she knows he never once lied to her about his feelings, but that she forgives him, because he never had any feelings to lie about in the first place.

          I know I’ve said it before, but I still love the direction they went with Nova’s character. While I didn’t like him at first because he was easily the least interesting member of the space patrol crew, but with them turning it around towards the end, saying “yeah, he was boring on purpose”, is a very clever twist, and with Nova supposedly gaining feelings for the first time towards the end of the episode, I’m excited to see what they do with him.

          There was lots of wonderful imagery during this conversation as well, including Nova gaining his own version of that crystallized heart that was always present in the ending, plus an extended version of the ending theme playing over everything. I also really liked the symbolism used when Luluco and the Blackholian were fighting over Nova, with Luluco being represented in bright pinks and blues with hearts, and the evil Blackholian in purples and blacks. A simple choice, but it really helps set the scene for Nova’s turn.

          At this point, I’m not sure when the season finale is going to be (hopefully never), so I’m not going to call this episode the penultimate one again, because I’ll look really silly if I’m wrong twice in a row. If it is, however, the showrunners did an excellent job setting up the end, as I’d say the action scenes plus character development puts this finale up there with the likes of Fullmetal Alchemist and even Studio Trigger’s own Kill la Kill in terms of great anime endings. Now all we need to see is if they stick the landing.



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